CES 2008: Microsoft confirms open to idea of Blu-ray drive for Xbox 360

xbox-360-blu-ray.pngIt’s tempting to see every positive news development for Blu-ray as another nail in the coffin of HD DVD at the moment, which is simplifying the format war somewhat. But it’s a fact that Microsoft is key to any chance that HD DVD will survive, so the news that the company hasn’t ruled out releasing a Blu-ray drive for Xbox 360 will certainly cause a few ripples.

CES 2008 Roundup: Tuesday


It’s the end of Day Two proper at CES, and Team Shiny has fanned out across the various halls to ferret out the most important products (and a fair few fun ones too). The pick of today’s posts follow, with all the others after the jump. Right, we’re off for some indie-dancing at the Mirage’s Revolution bar, if anyone fancies it…

CES 2008: The 25 coolest cars at CES


There’s an entire hall devoted to in-car stuff at CES, complete with many cars showcasing the exhibitors’ kit. If you want detailed specs and information, you’ll have to go to a proper motorblog – it’s all about the CarPorn photos here. See below for my pick of the coolest 25 motors at the show.

1. (above) For some reason this makes me think of Star Wars.