Category: Cryptocurrencies
3 of the Leading FinTech Trends in the UK
In the UK, the FinTech industry is continuing to grow. In fact, it seems there is little that can slow down the British financial technology businesses, not even Brexit. During the first half of 2017, FinTech startups in the UK received a record £433 million from investors, representing a 37% increase from the same period…
Will micro states like San Marino become new home for blockchain businesses?
Might the future of technology be developed in micro states that can react quickly to new innovations and offer infrastructure and technological support that will attract entrepreneurs? It will be interesting to keep an eye on San Marino, pictured above, the tiny state surrounded by Italy, which this week unveiled ambitious plans to become one…
Everything you need to know about blockchain technology
Online transactions are fraught with risk. Entering your credit card details into a page may be second nature, but false frontages, Trojan viruses and advanced spyware can soon leave your bank account suspended or even emptied with a few quick moves from cybercriminals using ever more readily available hacking and spying technology. The good news…
Playing games with Bitcoins
Paying by credit card or bank transfer is no longer your only option. Bitcoin, an electronic (and cryptographic) payment method, is rapidly spreading at all bitcoin casinos. If you want to know more about this method and learn how it works, keep reading. What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a currency. But it's electronic and encrypted.…
2016: What’s around the corner for digital payments? Apple Pay, Bitcoin, Pingit and more
Apple Pay, one of the latest forms of digital payment via your mobile, is slowly gaining acceptance Mobile payments, biometrics and crypto currencies. These were just some of the emerging trends discussed at the recent Westminster eForum Keynote Seminar at London's Royal Society. Tech Digest’s Chris Price reports The way…
The Digest: Uber dodges regulators… and 5 other things people are talking about today
[nextpage title="Next"] Uber dodges "covert" transport regulators by blocking mobile phones | Cnet "State transport regulators in Australia have gone undercover in an attempt to fine UberX drivers for ridesharing, but Uber has thwarted these attempts by blocking their mobile phones from accessing the service." [/nextpage] [nextpage title="Next"] Bitcoin value plummets as mining is no…
Bitcoins were the worst investment of 2014
Bad news for fans of libertarian magic beans - Bitcoin has performed terribly this year, according to reports. Pic from here. The news comes via QZ, which reports that you'd have been better off investing in Brent Crude oil, the Argentine Peso and even the Russian Ruble. Whilst all did terribly…
Microsoft starts supporting BitCoin
Microsoft's online store has started supporting BitCoin wallet top-ups, in what could be seen as a big boost in legitimacy for the cryptocurrency. Pic from here. So it seems that libertarian magic beans might have a use after all, as they can be used to buy apps, Xbox games and other…
The Digest: Lenovo rumoured to be buying BlackBerry (again)… and 5 other things people are talking about this morning
[nextpage title="Next"] Industry rumours suggest Lenovo is looking to expand its smartphone operations by buying BlackBerry, says a report at ExpertReviews: "The rumours boosted share prices for BlackBerry this week, a much needed increase following lukewarm reception to the company's Passport smartphone earlier in the year. BlackBerry handsets used to be widely used by business…
Wikipedia starts accepting Bitcoin donations
That's right - there's now something else you can spend your magic beans on! I guess trading your cow for them doesn't seem so stupid after all, now that you can support such a worthy project. Pic from here. According to the Coinbase Blog the company is helping the online encyclopaedia…