2016: What’s around the corner for digital payments? Apple Pay, Bitcoin, Pingit and more

  Apple Pay, one of the latest forms of digital payment via your mobile, is slowly gaining acceptance Mobile payments, biometrics and crypto currencies. These were just some of the emerging trends discussed at the recent Westminster eForum Keynote Seminar at London's Royal Society. Tech Digest’s Chris Price reports The way…

The Digest: Uber dodges regulators… and 5 other things people are talking about today

[nextpage title="Next"] Uber dodges "covert" transport regulators by blocking mobile phones | Cnet "State transport regulators in Australia have gone undercover in an attempt to fine UberX drivers for ridesharing, but Uber has thwarted these attempts by blocking their mobile phones from accessing the service." [/nextpage] [nextpage title="Next"] Bitcoin value plummets as mining is no…

The Digest: Lenovo rumoured to be buying BlackBerry (again)… and 5 other things people are talking about this morning

[nextpage title="Next"] Industry rumours suggest Lenovo is looking to expand its smartphone operations by buying BlackBerry, says a report at ExpertReviews: "The rumours boosted share prices for BlackBerry this week, a much needed increase following lukewarm reception to the company's Passport smartphone earlier in the year. BlackBerry handsets used to be widely used by business…