Category: Gadget Shows
Macworld Rumour: Apple to release a super thin laptop
According to a number of Apple fans, the company could be ready to announce a superthin and light portable Mac at Macworld 2008, which starts on 11th January. This ultra-portable device (UMPC) could weigh in at under three pounds and…
Top ten things Tech Digest is looking forward to at CES 2008, part one
The flights have been booked, several rooms at the Treasure Island hotel have our names written all over them, and every 99 cent margarita manufacturer on the strip has been notified of our arrivals.
It can only be CES time, bringing with it a feast of more electronic goodies than Father Christmas can pack in his sack, all being shown off at 2008’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Join Stuart Dredge, Al Warmington, Gemma Cartwright, Susi Weaser, Alex Roumbas and myself on this magical mystery tour kicking off this Saturday the 5th of January, on both Tech Digest and our girls-gadgets blog, Shiny Shiny.
Here’s the first five things we’re anxiously awaiting about CES 2008 from our ultimate top ten list…
1.) More bloody format wars – HD DVD or Blu-ray? Blu-ray or HD DVD? The war is still a-raging 12 months on from the last CES, where LG launched the world’s first multi-format player. With both camps holding…
CES 2008 fun starts already with goatse-inspired Anderinger advert
We’re all looking forward to CES here in Shiny Towers, with six of us
bunking off to gamble and visit strip bars departing to Vegas to bring you the latest in consumer tech news. But needless to say, I’m looking forward to the show even more now after finding this ad for Anderinger’s showcase at CES over at Wired…does it ring a bell yet?
Oh yes, the shenanigans…
Le Web 3 2007. Television Reborn
According to the programme, the panel members are as follows: Benjamin Bejbaum, Daily Motion, Nir Ofir, BlogTV Robert Scoble – PodTech, Conrad Riggs – Mark Burnett Productions (LongelyGirl15), Jeff Pulver – Pulver Media. But thanks to this new fangled trend…
Le Web 3 Live. The funniest thing I've heard at Le Web 3 so far…
Pigeons are faster than ADSL. And so are snails.
Yes, it’s true, Yossi Vardi, easily the funniest and most engaging speaker of the conference “did a test” and compared the transfer speeds of carrier pigeons carrying a memory card from one town in Israel to another (aka Wi-Fly) and a standard ADSL connection transferring the data from computer to computer, and the Pigeon travelled the distance faster. At least, that’s what he said and I believe everything he says.
Le Web 3 Live. Jason Calacanis: Seth Goldin, Dave Sifry, Ev Williams – they're all to blame for spam on the web
Question: if you create an open system that allows people to upload whatever they want, how do you stop those systems from just becoming huge spam fests that ruin search results? Obviously Jason Calacanis is going to tell you that the answer is Maholo, his new people powered search engine.
Le Web 3 2007, Day Two. GooJet wins startup competition
So, after that long preamble from the judging panel, the winners were announced at lightning speed, leaving us desperately scrabbling around trying to work out how to spell half of the winners. So, without any more preamble from me, here are the winners:
Le Web 3 2007, Day Two. Start-up comp – what are the web companies of tomorrow?
So here we are, Day Two of Le Web 3, 2007. While I spent the day sat in the main conference hall listening to the speakers, my fellow Shiny, Ashley Norris, has been over in the Start-up Dock listening to new businesses pitch their ideas to a panel of judges.
Le Web 3: Andrew Keen and Emily Bell ask if social media is killing our society?
I’m currently privy to a very interesting and tightly argued discussion about whether the web is killing our society. It seems that Emily Bell (of The Guardian Unlimited) and controversial author Andrew Keen (most famous for ‘Cult of the Amateur’) have argued this many many times before and seem to have a very easy relationship where they feel comfortable insulting each other like some sort of bickering elderly couple.
I’ve put in some of their key points below, but for a short precis of how the argument went: Andrew makes a point about how the internet is rubbish (in one way or another), Emily calmly points out why he is wrong…
Le Web 3: According to June Cohen of TED Media, user-generated content is not new: it’s old media that’s the upstart
June Cohen, the CEO of TED Media talks about the way that our media is changing – and that it’s not necessarily a bad thing. I’ve done my best to capture what she said in her own words.
There are 110 million blogs online. Lots of us say things like that, but rarely stop to think just how incredible that number is. It’s seen as something that is beginning to dilute and replace old media. But Old Media is actually astonishingly new. If you took the extent of human history and condensed it into a single day, all of the media we use (books, tv, newspapers) would have been invented in the last 2 seconds before midnight.
Communities, however, have always existed…