Category: Gaming
WATCH: 60fps GTA5 Trailer
Its finally landed - here's the trailer for GTA5 on PC running at glorious 60fps. Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Microsoft thought about giving the original Xbox away for free
Microsoft thought about buying Nintendo and expected the original Xbox to appeal to casual players, according to one man who was involved. recently spoke to Lorne Lanning from Oddworld Inhabitants about the launch of the console - on which Oddworld game Munch's Oddysee was one of the launch titles. Lanning said: "At the time,…
Nintendo DS games coming to WiiU Virtual Console
Nintendo has figured out something useful to do with the massive WiiU tablet controller: Use it for DS games! According to UberGizmo, a "Nintendo Direct" video has confirmed that DS games will be heading to the TV screen via the WiiU - with Yoshi's Island DS apparently being available from today, with more to follow…
WATCH: Top Gear recreated in Just Cause 2
If you like Jeremy Clarkson, but just don't think he's quite violent enough, then you'll love this "machinima" film - in which a Top Gear race is recreated in the game world of 2010's Just Cause 2. Its surprisingly well made and funny too.
Nvidia adds multiple controller support to its SHIELD Hub app
Nvidia has announced an update to its SHIELD Hub app, which adds support for multiple games controllers for the first time. SHIELD Hub is an Android app available for phones and Nvidia SHIELD home consoles, which lets you play both Android games and PC games on your Android device (the latter streamed from a PC…
Ed Miliband claims he was good at Manic Miner
Remember Manic Miner on the ZX Spectrum? Ed Miliband does. Asked about Jeremy Paxman calling him a North London geek, Ed told ITV News: "I was brilliant. As I remember, there were 20 levels. I'm not sure I'm very good at hand-eye coordination but I was good at Manic Miner. I used to drive my…
Playstation Home has finally been evicted
Remember Playstation Home? The weird PS3 avatar pseudo-game that Sony released back when it was in a panic about the appeal of the Wii and its Mii characters. Yesterday, Sony finally pulled the plug. According to Develop Online, the service has finally been switched off for European gamers - following the North American and Japanese…
Twitch mobile app update adds “persistent” video player
Twitch has just announced updates to its apps on iOS and Android which should help those with itchy fingers. The update essentially rips off the clever thing Google has done with the YouTube app, which allows you to continue watching one video, whilst browsing around looking for what you're going to watch next. Now you…
Google Maps doubles as Pac Man. April Fool or just really good fun?
It's probably just yet another April Fool's joke (they do get a bit tiresome don't they). But Google Maps actually has a Pac Man icon in the bottom left that turns the streets where you live into a giant arcade game and it's really good fun (unfortunately if you live somewhere really rural you will…
How is speed running like science?
One of my favourite YouTube channels is the PBS GameShow, which takes a more thoughtful look at gaming than average. In the latest episode, Jamin looks at the phenomenon of speed runs - and draws an interesting parallel with scientific research. Check it out!