WATCH: Lego Dimensions Trailer

Check out the above trailer for the just announced Lego Dimensions game - which by the look of it mashes up all of Lego's licensed properties, including Batman/DC, Lord of the Rings, the Wizard of Oz (!) and of course, the Lego Movie. There's no gameplay footage yet, but we're pretty confident it will play…

Mario Kart is getting a 200cc mode

Mario Kart 8 is getting an update that will give it a whole new level of difficulty. Nintendo will releasing free DLC on April 23rd that will add a 200cc mode - joining the traditional 50cc, 100cc and 150cc. Check out the above video, comparing 150cc to 200cc, to see how insane it looks.

Nintendo DS games coming to WiiU Virtual Console

Nintendo has figured out something useful to do with the massive WiiU tablet controller: Use it for DS games! According to UberGizmo, a "Nintendo Direct" video has confirmed that DS games will be heading to the TV screen via the WiiU - with Yoshi's Island DS apparently being available from today, with more to follow…