Porn websites must introduce age checks by July 2025, under new Ofcom rules

Ofcom has published industry guidance on effective age checks to prevent children from encountering online porn  Pornography services must introduce age checks by July 2025 at the latest Enforcement programme opening to monitor industry compliance Ofcom today (January 16th 2025) published new industry guidance on age verification for online services, a crucial step in implementing…

Seeing violent online content starts in primary school, claims Ofcom study

Children describe violent content as ‘unavoidable’ online Teenage boys more likely to share violent material to ‘fit in’ with peers Recommender algorithms and group messaging fuel exposure Children’s willingness to report harmful content undermined by lack of trust in process Children first see violent online content while still at primary school and describe it as…

Safer Internet Day 2024: Three in four parents worried about online harms

Almost half of children and three-quarters of parents and carers are worried about safety risks amidst fast-paced technological developments such as generative AI.  New research released by the UK Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC), coordinators of Safer Internet Day in the UK, reveals that while young people are excited about how developments and changes in technology…