Category: iPad apps
APP OF THE DAY: Mini-Monsters (iPad)
If you are even remotely entomophobic, look away now; you're going to hate today's App of the Day. If, like us however, you're fascinated by the alien world of creepy crawlies and insects, you're going to absolutely love Mini-Monsters for…
APP OF THE DAY: Inside Nature's Giants (iPad)
Ah; now this is pretty much everything I like to see from an iPad app! Educational, interactive, packed full of video and beautifully presented, Inside Nature's Giants has it all. Including the innards of a giant squid. Nice. Not for…
LOVEFiLM movie streaming is now available on the iPad courtesy of the LOVEFiLM Player app. The app lets you browse and stream a sizeable catalogue of flicks on the go, with all the usual pause/fast-forward/rewind playback controls you'd expect. Fans…
APP OF THE DAY: Legend of the Fish of Fury (iPad, iPod, iPhone)
It's not often you can indulge the two disparate interests of marine biology and martial arts at the same time, but the cartoon brawler Legend of the Fish of Fury for Apple's touchscreen devices lets you do just that….
Gears of War 3 app for iPhone? Shadowgun is as close as it gets
Gears of War 3 is wowing critics and gamers alike on the Xbox 360 after launching to rave reviews (including our own) last week. Those waiting for an iOS iPhone or iPad app port however shouldn't hold their breath;…
Top 10 London Fashion Week iPhone/iPad apps
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." Choice words there from Edna Woolman Chase, editor in chief of style-bible Vogue magazine from 1914-1952. Tech Digest, however, can neither afford to be dedicated followers of fashion, nor had the…
Topshop SCVNGR: The smartphone game for hipsters
Topshop are hoping their student customers are as tech-savvy as they are fashion-concious with their new campaign, a social gaming app that offers real-world prizes to those who play. Teaming up with the location-based SCVNGR app, Topshop are offering a…
Apple encouraging premium priced apps?
It's arguable that the Apple App Store's key to success was its rock-bottom pricing of quality content. It's become a bit of a stickler within the games industry in particular, with Nintendo executives criticising Apple for "weakening the value" of…
Top 50 iPad Gaming Apps
The very, very best in iPad gaming, collected in one place for your browsing pleasure!
Second time lucky: Skype for iPad hits the App Store
First Skype giveth, then Skype taketh away. Then they… er… giveth backeth. The official Skype app has now gone live on the App Store, just hours after it was pulled by the developers. "To ensure your best Skype experience, we've…