STATTACK: You're twice as likely to get your phone nicked in London than in New York


If there was ever a reason to go to GameCityThree, rather than the London Games Festival, then this is it. Carphone Warehouse reckons that 25% of adults in London have had their phone nicked, compared to 15% in the rest of the country. 14% of British teenagers have had their phone stolen, compared to 9% of teens in the USA, and 7% of adults. In London in 2007, there were three robberies per 1000 people, whereas in New York, there were only 1.61…

If the world could vote in the American election, who would they pick?


Given that the American presidency is the closest thing we’ve got to a “President of the World”, people around the globe care dearly about who gets elected to the White House. If you’re stuck in another country without a vote, you can only pray that the independent voters of America choose to endorse the same candidate that you like.

To give you some sense of participation, however, a website’s sprung up to try and find out who would win the election if the entire world could vote. It’s called, appropriately, “If the world could vote!”…

Survey reveals that you work way too hard


A survey by phone network 3 has revealed some nasty statistics about quite how much you lot work. Turns out that 31% of you feel you have to be contactable by work whenever and wherever you are, 23% of you have answered calls or sent emails whilst down the pub, 25% have worked on public transport and 13% of you have sent emails and made work calls from the doctor’s surgery (in the waiting room, I presume)…

Poll: Which technology company would you choose to sit next to at a dinner party?

Hidden within the Brandchannel survey that Daniel wrote about below is a rather amusing story about the polled people wanting to sit next to Apple, Virgin, Google, Coca-Cola and Nike at a dinner party, if push came to shove. Of the 3.7% of people who chose Google, one commented “I’d like to get to know them better, or at least hop into bed with them for a quickie!”.

Of the 14.3% who chose Apple, one claimed it was “because I’m sure they’d develop an easier and simpler way to throw a dinner party”. So, I present you with the below poll – which tech giant would you choose to sit next to at a dinner party?

Poll: Will you cut back on your spending due to the rumoured economic recession?

This week I’ll be on Radio 4 spouting off about Britain’s credit crunch and the possibility of an economic recession, and how that affects those of us who love nothing more than indulging in items we don’t *really* need, like Sky+, the latest iPods, and various other gadgets.

If you’ll allow me, I just want to gather some information from all you lovely Tech Digest readers, on whether the credit crunch is affecting your spending, so I can sound all knowledgeable and impress the pants off your parents as they listen to the programme whilst gardening etc. So, if you wouldn’t mind sparing me ten seconds…

Poll: Bought the iPhone? Have you unlocked it, or just succumbed to O2's network?

It's been four days since the iPhone went on sale here in Europe, and what Tech Digest is wondering is…have you unlocked yours? Obviously the iPhone is exclusive to O2, but with the 'jailbreak' hack, users can unlock it to work on any chosen network.

Or is that wrong in your eyes? Are you happy to pay O2 £35 a month for the privilege of their crummy reception and….