Category: Robots
Flame head robot walks upright, mistakes hat-stand as girlfriend
If this isn’t your new best friend, then I’m shocked. Look! It’s a bipedal flame-head robot! According to BotJunkie, it walks just like a human, which is no easy feat for designers of robots to accomplish.
Measuring 1.3m tall, it was developed by a Ph.D student, Daan Hobbelen, who used seven motors, balance organ and springs to ensure it has a smooth gait, like that of you or I. Check out the video below the jump of Mr. Flame Head in action…
Leaping Lizards! – Grasshopper robot with thew highest jumps of all
This isn’t the world’s smallest robot but it’s far more interesting than a pair of tweezers, if a little more frightening.
“What could be frightening about a little grasshopper robot?” you say…
Cosplaying as Ripley out of Aliens? The Sarcos exoskeleton may come in handy
Right then, Mr Alien. Just you try and get your stinking, slimy, acid-filled fingers on poor little Newt NOW!
The robotic exoskeleton dream has just STOMPED one foot further toward reality, with the arrival of this – the Sarcos Inc. full-body robotic suit.
Sensing then almost instantaneously amplifying the movements of the wearer, Sarcos reckons this unit can strengthen the average US soldier by up to 20 times. The prototype unit exists, works, and the US Army is apparently planning on starting field tests as early as next year, when the robosuit…
Ugobe passes the buck on Pleo sacrifice at Maker Faire, expresses outrage
Uh-oh. Looks like Ugobe has been bombarded with plenty of negative feedback from Pleo enthusiasts since the video taken at Maker Faire on the weekend found its way on many blogs across the internet!
Posted on the PleoWorld forum, a Ugobe representative claims “the folks that were behind this stunt did it without authorization or approval. It seems the prankster spirit overcame them, and FYI, there was quite a ruckus here in the office about it today. Many people were shocked and appalled, including the UGOBE reps at our Maker Faire booth!”…
A robot war to make your heart bleed: the Pleo gets savaged at Maker Faire
For the queasy-stomached, I would suggest you find another computer monitor to stare at. It’s pretty grim. That deflated yellow and green skin littering the ground in the photo above is actually a Pleo, after a ruckus at the weekend’s Maker Faire in the US.
Take a look below the jump for the video footage of the poor defenseless dino getting savaged by Vicious Verdict, a rival ComBot robot. Be warned – it’s pretty gruesome…
Maestro Asimo conducts Yo Yo Ma – is there anything this robot can't do?
I’m not sure when it was that Honda decided to take over the world but they’re doing a really good job of it and when the day comes to accept their rule the army that we’ll be looking at will undoubtedly be made of Asimos.
On 13th May our Honda robot pal will be flexing his servos in his first attempts at people control by conducting Yo-Yo Mar and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra…
Walking about to get easier – and fun! – with the Honda Walking Assist Device
Poor old walking is on the decline. Sitting down has enjoyed a massive period of growth over recent decades, relegating walking to the preserve of people whose cars have broken and the poor who can’t afford cars in the first place.
Well, walking’s about to strike back!
Just revealed by boffins at Honda is this – the Walking Assist Device. A simple mechanical gadget that supports your body weight…
'Sir Cut A Lot' Robomow RL1000 robot lawnmower – It likes big cuts and it cannot lie
I don't think I've ever heard of anyone giving St George's Day presents but if you have a particularly patriotic dad you might want to stock up for Fathers' Day now with this perfect dad gift.
This is the special edition Robomower RL1000 dubbed "Sir Cut A Lot"…
Carlos the Hobo-bot: flaming robotic legs pushing a shopping trolley
Genius, that’s the only word to describe this.
I’m not quite sure what the practical applications are for a robot that staggers around like half a drunken redneck on a shopping spree, but the moment I saw this bad boy catch fire and still keep on trucking, I knew I’d seen my favourite piece of tech of the week. Take a look. This clip was made for giggling.
YouTube Hits: Is the G-Dog Japan's new Sony Aibo?
Continuing our obsession with robots here at Tech Digest, this G-Dog is Japan’s second chance at creating a successful dog-robot, after the demise of Sony’s Aibo back in 2006.
Measuring in at 14cm tall and 40cm long, it should be on sale in Japan this July, for around £500, a far cry from the number of notes the Aibo commanded…