Category: Robots
ONLY IN JAPAN: Sense-Roid, the hug-simulating mannequin robot
We're not sure what's more creepy here; the concept of a hug-simulating robot mannequin or researcher Nobuhiro Takahashi, who demonstrates the unit a little too enthusiatically in the video above. Called the Sense-roid, a user hugs the mannequin while…
Futur Fusion: When tech meets art and cyborgs
We're suckers for robots, cyborgs and visions of the future here at Tech Digest, so we jumped at the chance to get a closer look at the new Futur Fusion exhibition taking place in London's Covent Garden area. A showcase…
Detroit to get Robocop statue to protect the innocent, serve the public trust, uphold the awesome
Detroit, the setting for the cult sci-fi flick Robocop, could soon be getting a larger-than-life statue in honour of the movie's cyborg bobby. An intiative to help drive tourism into Detroit, the idea was initially turned down by Detroit's Mayor…
VIDEO: Creepy robot actress takes to Tokyo stage, haunts dreams
We'll leave you today with a little bit of creepy tech-wierdness to settle you into your weekend. Meet Geminoid-F, a robot actress from Tokyo. If you're making a trip to the Land of the Rising Sun right now you can…
The Tweet Reading Robot Bear from Japan
Ever wished you had a cute little robot to read your twitter stream aloud to you? No, neither have I, but some people must, as that is just what the Charatter does. The slightly creepy Tweet reading bear from…
Segway boss shocker and 9 other bizarre, gruesome and tragic tech related deaths
All sci-fi fans will know that whilst technological advancement makes our mundane little lives easier and more rewarding everyday, take your mind off its potential dangers for just a few seconds and it can turn around and bite you…
Video: Robot chimp? You got it; enter Dave the Funky Shoulder Monkey
Tipped for the top of kids' Christmas lists this year is Dave the Funky Shoulder Monkey robot. Priced £24.99, Dave can perform over 30 different actions and movements, controlled via remote control. And yes, before you ask, that includes…
Japanese couple married by i-Fairy robot priest
It was an i-fairytale day, like something out of an electric dream for Tokyo couple Tomohiro Shibata and Satoko Inoue, as they became the world's first couple to take their marriage vows in front of a robot priest. "Pastor" i-Fairy…
Top Ten Geeky Valentine Presents: For Him
It's that time of year again, where we all rush off to Clinton's for a naff card, a syrupy teddy and a box of Quality Streets for our loved ones. Yep, Valentine's Day rears its sickly head once again,…
Diego-San: The world's most frightening robot child?
I've become accustomed over the years to pictures of menacing looking robots hitting my inbox. I brace myself, hit the link, and more often than not end up laughing at their hideous Elephant Man-like proportions. But not with Diego-San. He's…