Category: Round ups
From Nyan Cat to Masterchef: UK's 2011 most-watched YouTube clips revealed
As 2011 draws to a close, YouTube have revealed the UK's most watched clips on their video-sharing site. Animal clips, memes and funny celebrity videos rub shoulders with upcoming music stars in the list, showing the massive range of eccentric…
CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE: Stocking fillers for under £10
Bah, humbug! It's just one big money-spinner, the Christmas thing, isn't it? Same old thing every year; packed shops, expensive wrapping paper that just gets torn to pieces anyway, and what do we get in return? Socks. Well slap a…
iPad this and 3DTV that! Who said Christmas had to be all about high-tech gadgetry? Well, us probably! But that doesn't mean we don't have a soft spot for simpler times. So why not jump in the back of Tech…
CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE: Speakers, Docks and Hi-Fi systems
Christmas, for me, means just one thing: A Christmas Gift For You from Phil Spector. The wall of sound maestro, for all his horrific lady-killing failings, sure knew how to craft a tight little seasonal ditty. But you know what…
CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE: Best Nintendo 3DS games of 2011
This year saw Nintendo release their 3DS handheld console, aiming to bring 3D to the masses with it's glasses-free 3D display and a host of recognisable gaming stars leading the charge. Sceptics were wary of the 3D gamble Nintendo had…
CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE: Best PS3 games of 2011
Now before we get started here, we have to stand up and note that, for PS3 owners, it's been a roller-coaster year. While the PlayStation Network online gaming service has many fans thanks to Sony generously making it free, Sony…
CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE: Best Xbox 360 games of 2011
Every cultural phenomenon has its "golden age" and this year Microsoft's Xbox 360 console had its. Tons of great games were released this year, from Xbox exclusives like Gears of War 3 to multi-platform brain teasers like Portal 2. One…
CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE: Best Games Consoles! Xbox 360! PS3! 3DS!
There was once a time when little Jane and Jimmy Christmas wanted nothing more than a rocking horse, an Action Man and a giant Toblerone sitting wrapped beneath their Christmas trees. Now, for better or worse, they want videogames like…
CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE: Set-top boxes from Sky, Apple, TVonics and more!
What good is a brand new TV sitting wrapped underneath your Christmas tree this goodwill season if you've got nothing to watch on it? While plenty of TVs have built in digital tuners, only the most expensive have web connected…
CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE: Top Online Digital Services – Spotify, LoveFilm, Dropbox and more!
Tech gifts don't have to be about screen sizes or processing capabilities these days. In fact, they don't have to be physical gifts at all. You can put a smile on a loved one's face just by setting them up…