Category: Spotify
Poll – if Spotify went subscription only would you pay?
If Spotify canned its free service how much would you pay to subscibe?(survey)…
The only way to save Spotify? Five reasons why Spotify should go subscription only
f I had a quid for every person who has told me recently that they are about to subscribe to the service but just haven't quite got round to it the beers would be on me. If Spotify canned the free service then those users would have no choice. If the service was £5 a month the subscribers would base would be huge. The target is apparently to convert 7% of Spotify users into subscribers. Spotify hasn't released figures but I guess the figure is a long way off at the moment, even after all the innovation. This way round I think 15% would be feasible.
Need a Spotify invitation? They are also on eBay
So what do you do if you can't get hold of an invitation? Well surprise, surprise, you can score one on eBay.
Spotify offline streaming arrives – but only for premium users
Basically the service will cache your music thereby letting you play it back when you are offline, which in some respects makes it a bit of a rival to iTunes. It is useful for when you are using a laptop and don't have access to Wi-Fi, such as when you are travelling.