Tech Trumpet: Mac25


Welcome to Tech Trumpet, where I attempt to make vaguely musical (and festive) sounds using a variety of gadgets and computers.

This week, by way of a very understated celebration of the Apple Macintosh’s 25th birthday on Saturday (today is when the iconic “1984” SuperBowl ad was shown), I’ve composed a short piece based on Mac System 7 operating system sounds…

Christmas Tech Trumpet: Twelve Days of Christmas


It’s the third Christmassy Tech Trumpet, where I attempt to make vaguely musical (and festive) sounds using a variety of gadgets and computers.

Actually, I’ve cheated a bit this week due to the pressures of Christmas preparation and a lack of Vitamin C, and instead am sharing with you one of the most wonderful Christmassy MIDI files I’ve ever heard…

Christmas Tech Trumpet: Rudolph around the world


It’s the second Christmassy Tech Trumpet, where I attempt to make vaguely musical (and festive) sounds using a variety of gadgets and computers.

Last week you got a slightly different version of O Come All Ye Faithful. This week, I’m paying tribute to Rudolph, the infamous red-nosed reindeer.

In a hat tip to Santa, who has to travel the entire globe in just one night, this version uses lyrics gleaned from multiple automatic translations from Google Translate.

The original English lyrics were translated into Bulgarian, then Croatian, Danish, Finnish, Filipino, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Russian, and then back into English…

Thanksgiving Tech Trumpet: Computer SSB


Yes, it’s that time of year when Americans take a bit of time out and give thanks for… well, things.

In honour of that, here’s a special Tech Trumpet – a computerised version of the Star Spangled Banner.

You wouldn’t expect me just to play the tune without modifying it though, would you?

Course not, which is just as well, because this is a very special version of the song…

Tech Trumpet: The Noise


This week’s Tech Trumpet has been sequenced entirely from the iPhone’s new Pro [iTunes link] synthesiser.


I’ve been waiting a while for this application to come out. As you should be able to hear even from the few built-in audio patches I’ve used in this recording, it’s pretty versatile…