OCD sufferers, rejoice: ThinkGeek now stocking the electronic bubble wrap popping keychain!

electronic-key-chain.jpgRemember that awesome electronic bubble-wrap popper game from Bandai, the Mugen Puchi Puchi, which up until now was only available in Japan? Time to head on over to ThinkGeek, and purchase one, as the US purveyors of electronic and geek tat have come to the rescue yet again.

In case you need a reminder, the keychain device contains eight rubbery buttons in the shape of bubble-wrap bubbles. When…

Hey, morons! The Wave Street Surfboard has your name written all over it!

street-surfboard.pngImagine seeing someone using this on the street. Imagine laughing at them, as they hurtle downhill on something akin to a surfboard. Imagine running over to their limp, lifeless body after they crash head-on into a tree, and facing the conundrum of whether you should call an ambulance or not – after all, you reason, what were they expecting, the morons?

The Wave Street Surfboard is intended for fun times, indeed! It allows you to experience the feeling of…