Optoma Pico portable projector – pack 60 inches in your pocket


Here’s the Optoma Pico pocket projector, for all the “must beam something onto a wall” moments that occur so frequently on the go. No, I’m being mean, there’s a whole wealth of uses for something like this – especially because it can project an impressive 60″ picture from 2.6m away.

It’s the perfect thing for showing off your holiday photos round your parents’ house, or entertaining a nephew by letting him play his Wii on a 60″ screen, rather than the crappy little 17″ TV he’s stuck with. There’s umpteen thousand business uses, too…

Over 60,000 portable gadgets left in London taxis over the last six months


Oh, so that’s what happened to your previous phone. And your previous MP3 player. And your previous laptop. And your previous house keys, wallet, trainers, watch and coat.

A survey by security firm Credant Technologies asked London cabbies what devices they’ve found in the backs of their cabs recently, coming up with the amazing figure that more than 60,000 gadgets have been forgotten in taxis by people we would assume to have been massively intoxicated, over the last six months…

Feel like Phelps with Foot-Fins


Okay – picture the situation. You’re sat in a bar. In through the door swims mega-Olympian Michael Phelps (he never walks anywhere). Emboldened by liquor, you shout “Oi! Phelpsy”. He doggypaddles over and eyes you up suspiciously. “Schwimming… it’s eashy”, you slur. Phelps doesn’t reply. “I bet you fifty quid I could shwim fashter than you!” you continue. Phelps narrows his eyes and fixes you with a steely glare. “I’ll meet you down at the schwimming pool, at 9am tomorrow!” you cry, and fall off your stool…

Leading Expert: Shimano Di2 electronic gears are "super nice"


One sure-fire way to come up with a new idea for an invention is to simply add “electric” to the name of a product that already exists as after all, if something is electronic it is automatically better than its predecessor. Take the electric toothbrush, for example, or even the electric chair – chairs couldn’t kill anyone until someone had the bright idea of putting electricity inside them.

It’s with this mantra that Shimano have improved upon the humble bicycle, by coming with with an electronic gears system that they reckon will “improve performance” and “reduce maintenance”…

How to… make it look like someone's already stolen your car stereo

Sounds like a very stupid way to spend a Sunday afternoon, but wait. Wait until you’ve seen the photograph.

The idea behind this superb Instructables piece is to make it look like someone’s ripped out your car stereo – so no one bothers trying to rip out your car stereo. It’s the in-car equivalent of walking around town with torn clothes and blood on your face, so no one bothers mugging you.


It’s one man’s idea. One man’s way to stop the local glue-sniffers from nicking his car stereo every Friday night, by covering up the docking clips and making it look like there’s nothing…