Category: Vehicles
Porsche raging against London Congestion Charge – sets up web site to FIGHT THE POWER
No doubt with half a mind on the masses of Porsche Cayennes currently cruising between Starbucks and Wagamamas over in fashionable West London, Porsche has called for an official judicial review of recently announce changes to London’s Congestion Charge.
“Gas guzzling” cars – like, say, the ludicrous Porsche cayenne, which is the stupidest car to ever drive within 50 miles of London – will be hit by a new £25 charge from this October, a tax intensified by London Mayor Ken Livingstone’s removal of the exemption for people who live inside the C-Charge zone…
Run your car on water… well your remote-control one anyway!
Blimey, we high oil prices and petrol that costs a fortune in Britain, could Corgi have come up with the answer to fuel shortages of the future.
This remote-control car – the nicely-named H2Go – is developed in partnership with Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies and is the world’s first and only hydrogen-fueled RC car…
Toyota invents bug-busting car seat
Okay, so it doesn’t actually kill bugs (or, indeed, miniature aliens). But Toyota’s new car seat does come with an anti-mite allergen treatment, ensuring that you don’t come up in a rash because you haven’t cleaned the car for a few months.
LAPCAT will fly you from Sydney to Brussels in four hours
I’m a bit nervous about travelling in 777 jumbos after events at Heathrow last week, but even so, I’d be even more nervous about getting in a plane called LAPCAT. Even if it does stand for Long-Term Advanced Propulsion Concepts and Technologie. Maybe it’ll have a companion jet called HANDBAGDOG too.
CES 2008: The 25 coolest cars at CES
There’s an entire hall devoted to in-car stuff at CES, complete with many cars showcasing the exhibitors’ kit. If you want detailed specs and information, you’ll have to go to a proper motorblog – it’s all about the CarPorn photos here. See below for my pick of the coolest 25 motors at the show.
1. (above) For some reason this makes me think of Star Wars.