Category: Weirdness
Brain-wave reading headphones from Toshiba may let you play games with mind control
In the deepest, darkest laboratories of Toshiba HQ, teams of developers have been secretly working on brain-wave reading mind control headphones, and they plan to use them to TAKE OVER THE WORLD! Well, not really, obviously. But they do plan…
Top Ten Geeky Valentine Presents: For Him
It's that time of year again, where we all rush off to Clinton's for a naff card, a syrupy teddy and a box of Quality Streets for our loved ones. Yep, Valentine's Day rears its sickly head once again,…
For the technophile narcissist; the Augmented Reality Cosmetic Mirror
Pocket mirrors are so last decade. If you want to look pixel-perfect these days, you need to get yourself in front of an augmented reality cosmetic mirror. It's the latest craze to hit Tokyo malls; you sit yourself down…
Diego-San: The world's most frightening robot child?
I've become accustomed over the years to pictures of menacing looking robots hitting my inbox. I brace myself, hit the link, and more often than not end up laughing at their hideous Elephant Man-like proportions. But not with Diego-San. He's…
Puppy Tweets lets your dog bark in 140 characters
Remember all those You've Been Framed clips of dogs playing the piano? Well that was just the beginning; thanks to Mattel's Puppy Tweets collar tag, your dog is about to enter the online world of social networking and Twitter. No,…
ESRB give hilarious reasons for Mass Effect 2's Mature rating
Anyone who finished the excellent Mass Effect will remember at least two things about it. Firstly, that the sci-fi space opera was very, very cool and that hero Commander Sheppard liked to get down and dirty with his alien…
Road named after Lara Croft coming to Derby?
If someone could please commission Pong Place now, I could die a happy man.
World of Warcraft "beaten" by Taiwanese player
His stats in the armory show that he's killed 390,895 creatures, and died just 8,543 times. He dished out 7,255,538,878 points of damage to his foes, and completed an average of 14.6 quests per day for a total of 5,906.
Manoi Go robot break-dances its way to the top of Christmas lists worldwide
Lets take a minute to salute our Japanese cousins who have humiliated our future robot-overlords once again, this time by programming one to break-dance.
Facebook term "unfriend" added to New Oxford American dictionary
If you've ever suffered the crushing heartbreak of being cast asunder by an online friend, you're probably pretty familiar with the term "unfriend".