How Does a Website’s Address Autocomplete Function Work?

Chances are you use the address autocomplete function regularly when you buy anything online, and you don’t even notice. The address autocomplete function may seem simple automation, but it is powerful. It can help any user experience (UX), product, or marketing team create more successful onboarding, checkout, and information-capture flows. The reason is simple: eliminating…

OpenAI launches GPT-4o, electric truck firm Tevva seeks emergency funding

So no, OpenAI didn’t roll out a search engine competitor to take on Google at its May 13, 2024 Spring Update event. Instead, OpenAI unveiled GPT-4 Omni (or GPT-4o for short) with human-like conversational capabilities, and it's seriously impressive.  Beyond making this version of ChatGPT faster and free to more folks, GPT-4o expands how you can interact with it, including having…