eBay Nutcase of the Week: eBay itself, for removing kids WWII board game that "incited racial hatred"


Poor old Paul Ramsier found himself accused of inciting racial hatred – by trying to sell an old World War II-themed board game on everyone’s favourite online junk shop.

Paul’s descent into the world of inadvertent racial hatred started when he realised his old Escape from Colditz board game was worth quite a bit nowadays, so he listed it up on eBay. The auction hit the lofty heights of £20, before eBay yanked the sale…

Ditch your drummer and replace him with a robot – that's what Jay Vance did, with Captured!

Quick, someone send this video to the other bandmates in Babyshambles, the apparently nameless ones which could live next door to us and we wouldn’t know the difference! A new musical direction for the band if ever I saw one – if musician Jay Vance can replace his drug-addled bandmates with robots, then surely a ‘bot could replace Pete Doherty? They’ve already got the vacant expressions down pat, after all…