Pioneer launching premium Blu-ray players with full BonusView features


Pioneer has announced two new Blu-ray players — the Elite BDP-05FD and Pioneer BDP-51FD — both offering “premium” features and with full BonusView functionality.

Both players feature HDMI 1.3a with 12-bit Deep Colour, 1080p output, 24fps film mode, Wolfson Digital Audio Converters, handling of all audio bitstream formats, decoding of Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD, and DTS HD Master (with a future firmware upgrade), 7.1-channel analogue output, and new graphical interface…

After an initial delay, Samsung announces the BD-P1500 Blu-ray player will launch in June


Originally scheduled for a May release, the BD-P1500 has just been handed a June birthdate from Samsung, after being announced at CES earlier in the year.

Priced at around $399 in the US by the looks of things, the player will be Blu-ray Profile 1.1 and Dolby TrueHD audio compatible, and output at 1080p resolution. Potential firmware upgrades via the Ethernet and USB ports will allow for BD-Live 2.0 and DTS-HD HR support, according to reports, but sadly not DTS-HD Master…

In need of a killer Blu-ray disc to demonstrate 1080p? Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence announced


You’ve just bought a Blu-ray player, and want to know what’s the best film for showing off the high resolution when your mates are around?

The film I always use whenever I have friends around, and need to demonstrate the difference between HD and standard-def (I am a terrible bore), is ‘Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence’, a Japanese anime which until now has only been available in that fine country. Bandai Visual Entertainment, the company that owns the distribution rights, has announced it’s releasing the film on Blu-ray later this year, with an English dub…

I take back those insults aimed at Universal yesterday, Heroes season 1 & 2 Blu-ray announced


Need another reason to justify that expensive Blu-ray player? Universal, who I reported yesterday had announced this year’s Blu-ray releases, will be launching both the first and second series of Heroes on August 26th.

Last year the first season was on HD DVD which obsessives such as myself had to import from the US in order to watch, but up until now, there hadn’t been any announcement regarding the second series, or the move to Blu-ray for both of them. The August launch date will be global supposedly,…

Universal makes HD DVD fanboys' blood boil with upcoming Blu-ray releases


Those traitors over at Universal have finally picked their dignity up off the floor and announced their first releases for the Blu-ray format, after deciding mid-February to change exclusivity from the defunct HD DVD to Blu-ray.

The first film to receive the Blu-ray treatment in July is ‘Doomsday’, followed by ‘The Incredible Hulk’, ‘Wanted’, ‘Hellboy II: The Golden Army’,…

Pioneer announces third Blu-ray player, the BDP-LX71


Backing the Blu-ray format to the nth degree, Pioneer has announced the BDP-LX71 player that should wash up on European shores this summer. Shame the weather forecast for summer isn’t looking that good, there might not be many people down there to pick them up off the sand.

Main improvements to their third BDP model include BonusView Profile 1.1 for interactivity (doesn’t quite match the PS3’s 2.0 however), a 12-bit deep colour support,…

Xbox 360 Blu-ray rumour WILL NOT DIE – Taiwanese company making Blu-ray drives for MS, apparently


Taiwanese news source Digi Times is 100% sure Microsoft’s in the final stages of readying a Blu-ray version of Xbox 360, with local manufacturer Lite-On apparently ready to hit the big red button and start its machines pumping out Blu-ray drives for Microsoft.

Digi Times also went off on a wild speculation rampage, saying that MS would clearly have to sell any possible Blu-ray-packing Xbox 360 at a loss…

Survey: HD DVD is dead, but did anyone tell the online retailers?

With the HD DVD Promotional Group dissolving, Toshiba abandoning ship, and precious few studios releasing anything on the format any more, you’d have to be totally uninformed and just a little bit stupid to buy an HD DVD player thinking that it was the future.

Enter two fairly benign entities — online retailers and the Great British consumer — which when mixed can be deadly (or at least, good for making expensive mistakes)

Still, surely we can rely on our helpful, informative, reliable, up-to-date online retailers to ensure that visitors to their web site don’t make a stupid purchase they’ll regret as soon as it leaves its cardboard and polystyrene womb?

You’d think…

Here’s a roundup of some key (and not so key) Internet stores, and their current attitude towards HD DVD…