Dell to offer Inspiron 1525 notebook with Blu-ray drive


Susi has already reviewed the new Inspiron 1525, which currently is high definition-enabled in as much as it has an HDMI port, but no standard high definition drive.

However, US sites are reporting that Dell is offering a Blu-ray drive as part of the customisation process, so now you can get HD content onto the machine, for viewing on the 15.4-inch glossy screen or output via that HDMI port…

LG announces BE06LU10 external Blu-ray rewriter and HD DVD-ROM drive


LG’s mobile phone department may be going from strength to strength, but with their recent announcement that they won’t be giving up on the HD DVD format, the situation on that side of the company will be going through some tough times in the coming months.

The Korean giant is putting its money where its mouth is, with the release of the BE06LU10, an external Blu-ray rewriter and HD DVD-ROM. With read speeds of 6x for both HD DVD and Blu-ray, it also…

BD-Live announced for PS3 this month

Let’s be honest, the Blu-ray Profile 1.1 didn’t exactly revolutionise the Blu-ray playing experience. Some might have argued that all it did was pull the technology in line with HD DVD, but they can all see where that got them and shut the hell up. Err, anyway, Blu-ray 1.1 is nothing, Blu-ray Profile 2.0, or BD-Live as it has been christened, is a fair bit more exciting and it’s due to arrive in the next PS3 firmware update, due some time later this month….

Microsoft condemns Blu-ray to the tech trash can


Along with Toshiba, Microsoft is one of those companies that helps tech writers to fill up column inches and maintain pixel word counts when looking at high definition.

Microsoft’s senior Xbox executive, Chris Lewis, has said that, “before very long we will look back wistfully at shiny discs as something that was somewhat a historic phenomenon in a way that we kind of think about vinyl [he’s obviously not a DJ] or VCRs today.”

Despite rumours — which may ultimately turn out to be true — that Microsoft is considering supporting Blu-ray in some way going forward, the company is still highly committed to digital downloads as the future. It won’t be long either, according to the almighty…

Acer's Gemstone Blue Aspire 6920 notebook features, yep, a Blu-ray drive…


Acer’s adding to their Gemstone series of laptop, with a cornily-named ‘Gemstone Blue’ model, or the Aspire 6920. Hmm, blue, I wonder why they called it blue…?

Oh, I see. It features a Blu-ray drive. How apt.

Available in 16″ and 18.4″ options, they have 16:9 1080p screens as you’d expect with a Blu-ray drive, 1.5Ghz Penryn processors, 320GB HDD, and 512MB NVIDIA 9650m GS graphics. Not forgetting the 6-in-1…

How much does it cost to lose a format war? One billion dollars (cue maniacal chuckles)


Now that the dramatic climax to the HD format war is past, Toshiba is starting to pick up the pieces. Naturally, it’s expected to post some big losses after HD DVD’s failed campaign against Blu-ray and the Nikkei Business Daily reckons it can put a figure on just how much it all comes too. Even more conveniently, it rounds out to make a good headline too, to the tune of $1 billion – or 500 million quid if you prefer.

Warner to launch "coffee book" style Blu-ray discs

Now that the high definition disc format war is all but over, it seems studios can start rolling out their own gimmicks and features.

Warner has decided that it will release ten Blu-ray coffee-book style titles this year, including “Bonnie and Clyde”, “Dirty Harry”, “Woodstock”, “Harry Potter”, “Bladerunner”, “Gone With the Wind” and “North by Northwest”…

Sony and Microsoft in talks over 360 Blu-ray add-on?

xbox-360-blu-ray.pngSony and Microsoft are now engaged in talks over the possibility of offering a Blu-ray drive for Xbox 360, according to one senior executive.

This certainly isn’t the first time we’ve heard such rumours. Long before the demise of HD DVD, shadowy unnamed Microsoft types were heard to say that a Blu-ray alternative to the HD DVD add-on would be highly possible. With HD DVD out of the picture, there’s now a good reason for Microsoft to find an alternative accessory to sell to 360 owners.