Tag: broadband
O2 offers joint mobile and home broadband package
O2 has claimed it’s the first broadband provider to offer both home and mobile broadband in the same package, and has also introduced the “O2 Home Broadband Takeaway”.
Anyone purchasing O2 Mobile Broadband for twenty quid a month will also get the standard Home Broadband package free for one year. This means “unlimited” downloads when at home and 3GB of data and unlimited Wi-Fi when mobile. Alternatively, users can get a £7.50 per month discount on faster home packages for one year…
The internet is saved! Ofcom calling for investment in nationwide fibre optic network
Telecoms regulator, Ofcom, is making a fresh push to secure the future of the UK’s broadband infrastructure. Chief Exec, Ed Richards, told the Intellect conference in London “Ofcom favours a regulatory environment for the next generation of networks and access that both allows and encourages operators to make risky investments, to innovate for the benefit of consumers and, if the risks pay off, for the benefit of their shareholders too.”
Virgin Media sends written wrist-slap to 800 file-sharers
Around 800 Virgin Media broadband customers have been sent letters informing them that they have been identified as file-sharers and politely telling them to cease downloading copyright protected content, specifically music. They are also warned that if they don’t stop, “further steps” will be taken against them.
Virgin Media's broadband speed claims misled the public, ASA rules
A recent advertising campaign for Virgin Media’s broadband packages has been deemed misleading to the public, because it didn’t make its traffic management policies plain enough.
BT complained about Virgin Media’s “hate to wait” campaign, which claimed it possible to download a half-hour TV show in under 26 minutes on their “up to 2Mbps” ‘M’ package. The size of the TV show used in the ad was 341MB, which exceeds the 300MB peak-time download threshold…
Dundee to get super-fast broadband through the sewers
Residents of Dundee will soon be able to say they have something in common with the people of Bournemouth, as it becomes the first city in Scotland to have fibre optic cabling installed in its sewer system.
It’s not clear when H20 will begin work in Dundee’s dank and smelly underworld, but when it’s complete, super-fast 100Mbps broadband should be available to everyone – at least, those who are prepared to pay for it…
Nothing to do with Apple – Ofcom to trade off UHF bandwidth
With digital switchover beginning at the end of this year and due to be complete by 2012, UK communication industry regulator Ofcom will find themselves with a whole load of spare UHF bandwidth and no analogue TV service to use it.
Their plan is to auction off these vacant parts of the UK electromagentic spectrum as they become available, which could be licensed by, radio, TV, broadband companies, mobile networks or whatever new technologies come along…
3 mobile busting out mobile routers for home networking
Seeing as everyone’s been going a bit crazy for the whole wireless USB broadband dongle scene, 3 has decided to up its ‘offering’ – by adding a home router to its wireless broadband range.
It’s all because a few extremely forward-thinking people are using their 3 dongles to totally replace their home broadband connection. So, kindly old 3, wants to make it easier on everyone by releasing a combined router/dongle that’ll let us use laptops, PSPs…
Super-duper-fast broadband to surge from Bournemouth's sewers
Bournemouth has been selected as the first UK town to get super-fast fibre network installed in its sewers. Fibre firm H20 is planning to extend its service from businesses and the Council to ordinary consumers. Work on the network will start in the next six months.
Around 88,000 homes will be given access to up to 100Mbps internet service meaning that they will be free to watch Eastenders on iPlayer all day long without fear of anyone whinging about Fair Usage policies…
Zattoo launches in UK, bringing live terrestrial TV to your desktop
Zattoo has announced that its online live TV streaming service has launched in the UK, and offers access to the five main terrestrial channels (BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, Channel 4, and Five), as well as some of the others (BBC Three, BBC Four, CBeebies, CBBC, ABC News Now, Bloomberg UK, and so on)…
Analysts claim O2's mobile broadband is overpriced and too exclusive
It appears I wasn’t the only one concerned about O2’s mobile broadband, which launched last Friday. Analyst firm Ovum (not related to this ovum) has reported that their package is overpriced, and too exclusive.
Being available purely to existing customers who have home broadband or a SIM is akin to shooting themselves in the foot, a senior analyst, Steven Hartley, at Ovum claims. “None of the other companies make this stipulation, although 3…