LG Prada KE850 touch-screen mobile phone to be revamped and lose Prada logo?

pradaprada2.jpg Back in March this year I flew to Milan with LG to celebrate the launch of the LG Prada KE850 touch-screen mobile, and whilst chatting to a head honcho from the company, he let it slip that they were considering revamping the handset and even dropping the Prada affiliation, even before the launch of the first model.

Not particularly shocking, as I’m sure there’s plenty of gadget-loving fiends out there who lust after the KE850’s smooth curves and complete touch-screen experience, but don’t want to risk being mocked by their jeans-n-jumper wearing unfashionista friends…

Rumours abound about RIM's BlackBerry Pearl 2 (Komet), again

blacklberry.jpgMore rumours are floating about the intertubes regarding the BlackBerry Pearl 2 we reported on a week ago, this time with even more pants-wettingly attractive features than before. Plus, the internal code-name has been leaked also – Komet. Kind of like a poor man’s reindeer, non?

It was first thought that the Pearl 2 would have a 2-megapixel camera, but it’s since been reported by Boy Genius Report that it’s even better than that – a whopping 3.2-megapixels will ensure your upskirt-shots will be crystal clear and jail-worthy. However it won’t be as subtle to take photos as before, as the camera will be located horizontally on the Pearl 2, much like the high-end camera phones which like to masquerade as proper digital cameras…

Win a disposable, cordless mobile charger from Mobcharger – perfect for Glastonbury Festival!

Glastonbury Festival kicks off next week, and we’ve got a killer competition to get you just in the mood for all that aural pleasure your ears will be receiving.

The kind folks at Mobcharger have given us a bunch of their mobile phone chargers to give to 12 lucky readers located in the UK. These pocket-sized mobile phone chargers are disposable and cordless, so perfect for the five days you’ll be spending swimming around in mud out in the country. No more refraining from texting your mates, for fear of running out of battery!

We’ve got several of each sort to give away to 12 people to enter the competition, so if you have a Samsung, Nokia, Sony Ericsson or Mini USB phone, read on below the jump for how to enter…