Tag: china
Buddhist mobile phone: The Nokia N95 of enlightenment
As religions go, Buddhism is right up there for me; tenets of inner peace, peace within the community and reincarnation – beautiful stuff.
For my money, though, they seemed to run out of ideas, or certainly taste, when they got down to iconography, as clearly demonstrated by this Buddhist edition Nokia N95…
Hackers attack pro-Tibet websites – ScanSafe saves the day
Hackers have attacked pro-Tibet websites…
China allows access to Wikipedia – but nothing dodgy about Tibet allowed
Chinese authorities seem to be gradually lessening their censorship rules to keep the IOC happy, with Wikipedia popping up for those stuck on the other side of the ‘Firewall of China’.
Select English-language pages now appear for vandalism, although try looking up ‘Tiananmen Square’ or ‘Tibet’ and you’ll still be greeted with an error message. Also, the Chinese-language pages are still blocked, so it’s either a temporary glitch in the awesome-sounding Golden Shield Project, or we’re seeing China start to appease foreign visitors…
Shiny Video Review: BooM China speakers from TwinMOS
It’s a vase. It’s a speaker. No, wait! It’s a vase speaker! It’s a vase speaker that costs £179.99!…
Chinese manufacturer Penchan has done it! A 5.5 terapixel camera!
Who woulda thunk it? The Chinese company Penchan has developed a camera with a whopping 5.5 Terapixel resolution, or in layman’s terms, 5,500,000 megapixels. Yes, really. We just got off the phone to Canon and Nikon and it’s safe to say, they’re petrified.
When we told Hasselblad about Penchan’s new product, they vowed to get out of the industry as fast as their little Swedish legs could carry them.
But, to obviously soften the blow to their competitors, they encased it in a powder blue cover…
HDTV UK's HD DVD / Blu-ray Special Feature: the future, and stuff
Just when you thought you could settle down for a quiet CES safe in the knowledge that the high definition disc format war was at stalemate for at least another six months or so, Warner go and scrap HD DVD,…
IMOBILE shows off C1000 3G touchscreen phone watch
The days of strapping ridiculously large blocks of technology to your wrist aren't over, it seems, with the introduction of the IMOBILE C1000 wristwatch 3G mobile. Ignoring the fact that it's yet another accessory beginning with the letter "I",…
Chinese gamer dies after mammoth three-day binge
A man died over the weekend after clocking up an astonishing three consecutive days of gaming.
Chinese paper the Beijing News reported that local police had ruled out suicide, saying that the poor bloke, who had made a permanent base in an internet cafe in the southern town of Guangzhou…
China implements own version of HD DVD format, vaguely compatible
The ongoing war between the two main high definition disc formats — HD DVD and Blu-ray — may just have become a little more complicated, as China has adopted its own version of the HD DVD format. With China becoming…