Cloud Access Security Broker: What You Need to Know

A Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) is an intermediary security checkpoint between users and cloud-based applications. Its primary role is to oversee and implement all data security rules and procedures, including encryption, alarms, and authentication. By monitoring user behavior, the CASB ensures that only authorized users are accessing and using an organization's data across endpoints.…

What does data security mean, and why is it so crucial in today’s realities?

Data security refers to the digital privacy measures implemented to prevent unauthorized computer access, databases, and websites. Data security also protects your data from corruption. Data security is an essential aspect of IT for organizations of all sizes and types. Its proper provision is handled by data security services, which provide services for effectively providing…

Amazon Web Services’ quarterly revenue jumps 32% year on year

As one of Amazon's strongest-growing business segments, Amazon Web Services witnessed a surge in revenue in the last year. According to data presented by, AWS generated cloud computing and hosting revenues of around $13.5bn in the first quarter of 2021, a 32% jump year-on-year. AWS Annual Revenue Rose by 30% YoY Amid Pandemic One of…