Tag: crowd sourcing
Kickstarter UK opening its doors on Halloween
Kickstarter, the crowd-funding site for would be inventors, designers, entrepreneurs, filmmakers and musicians, will open its doors to submissions from the UK on 31 October. Kickstarter lets creatives post business plans online (usually relating to a consumer product) as well…
Soluto: Crowd-sourcing solutions to PC problems with Windows 8
Had a computer problem that's resulted in you being left on hold to a customer services call centre for the best part of an hour, totting up an enormous phone bill in the process? Wish your tech savvy mate…
Pottermore: Top five things us Muggle Harry Potter fans want to see
There have been more whispers surrounding Pottermore, the newly-announced Harry Potter-themed social network, than those surrounding "He Who Must Not Be Named" himself, the books' evil baddie Lord Voldemort. Even now, with the site officially outed by series creator…
+1 button lets your freinds curate Google search results and ads
The Google search engine gets another new addition today in the shape of the "+1" button. Showing Google to be on the pulse when it comes to the growing importance of crowd-sourced data, the button sits alongside each advert…