Tag: dating
Men enthusiastic about webcam dating: women turned off, survey suggests
The dating and friendship web site makefriendsonline.com has discovered that only men are really interested in video chat via a webcam.
When the site asked its members if they’d like a Video Chat option, 75% of men were eager to try it out, while only 44% of women liked the idea.
Ethical dating site boasts one-millionth member
The UK-based dating and friendship site, MakeFriendsOnline.com, has boasted its one-millionth member, having had membership growth of 40% in the past year. The site was launched in 2000 by two school friends hoping to meet new people, and has an…
Find love on public transport with On The Same Track web service
"We've all been there. We see someone on our train journey and wish there was an easy way to chat to him/her. Let's face it, it's more difficult in real life." That's the opening gambit of the new networking web…
Website reveals the world of online dating
Seems that companies are all too happy to reveal the bizarre nature of some of their customers or users. Last week BT revealed its top 10 quirky consumer helpdesk calls, and now dating website SnogLondon.com (what, all of it?) has…
New web service seeks to help shy who experience love at first sight
A new website has been launched which aims to help those people who meet someone fleetingly in a public place, are attracted to them, yet are too shy or embarrassed to do anything about it. Dana Morgan set up "I…