HOW-TO: Tweak Chrome to get the newest features early


Odds-are, if you’re reading this, then you’re the sort of person who likes to call themselves an ‘early adopter’. It’s highly possible, then, that you might be using Google’s super-fast Chrome browser, and if you are, then you might be interested in finding out how to subscribe to Google’s ‘Beta’ channel for Chrome updates, or perhaps even the highly-unstable ‘Developer’ channel.

Basically, there are three channels – a ‘Stable’ one, for the general public. A ‘Beta’ one for interested parties, and a ‘Developer’ one, for those of you who like to be on the bleeding edge. It’s very easy to switch – just download a little program (found here) and click the appropriate box. You don’t even seem to need to restart the browser.

I’ve just subscribed to the ‘Beta’ channel. So far, it hasn’t crashed. Give it a try and let us know your experiences in the comments below.

Chrome Dev Channel (via Chromium)

Related posts: Happy Birthday, Google Chrome – 1.0 today | OPINION: Still searching for reasons to switch to Google Chrome

"So… how do you make a video game?" I visited TT Games to find out…


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Formerly known as Traveller’s Tales, the Knutsford-based video game creator is riding high at the moment, thanks to its production of the LEGO Star Wars series and the chart-topping LEGO Indiana Jones. Everyone loves a bit of TT right now.

So, to celebrate the imminent release of The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Tech Digest received an invite…

YouTube expands, wants to be… Everywhere


Seems like YouTube is pretty much everywhere as it is — not that we’re complaining, Shiny Media sites use it a fair bit. However, that’s not enough for the Google-owned video site.

YouTube want to be even more open and accessible, making it easier for users to integrate both the video and community elements into other web sites. Imagine, now you can publish both the lousy video and the offensive comments on your very own site…