Tag: down
BREAKING: O2 network down in London [UPDATED]
O2's mobile phone network appears to be down again in London for the second time in a month. Twitter is ablaze with users struggling to get reception with the network. "Been with #o2 for over 9 years and never had…
BREAKING: Facebook down for over five hours in many territories
News coming in of some serious down-time issues being experienced by some Facebook users. Twitter is buzzing with reports from Sweden, Norway and other European nations that the social network is firing-up blank pages for the many, many users in…
WordPress servers crash, 10.2 million blogs affected
WordPress, a massively popular blogging and hosting platform suffered severe problems yesterday, causing some 10.2 million blogs to go offline for almost two hours. It has been estimated that 5.5 million page views were wiped, the worst outage WordPress has…