Opinion: Why it's now COOL to be a GEEK

Jon_small_new.jpgJonathan Weinberg writes…

This is possibly the most important techno story I’ve seen all week, it’s officially ok to be geeky. A new list of the UK’s most coolest brands has been released and the top 10 contains SEVEN firms related to gadgets, gaming and the internet. So if that’s not a reason to embrace your virtual friends and give thanks I don’t know what is.

The iPod was only pipped into second place in the CoolBrands 2007 by James Bond’s favourite car, the Aston Martin, and you could argue there’s something geeky about being a fan of that motor. No longer is it nerdy to be geeky – because both are different…

Daily Tech Hotlinks for 20-June-2007: Google, eBay, Kutaragi, Toshiba, MySpace, Nintendo

– The tension between Google and eBay? It culminated in two men from Google gate-crashing eBay’s recent party, and being escorted off the premises, undoubtedly off to discuss sellers’ fees etc.
– Yesterday was a momentous day in history, as it marked Ken Kutaragi’s last day as CEO for Sony’s game division. Time to buy a PS3, then, in celebration?
– A London businessman’s Toshiba notebook and desk underneath…

Daily Tech Hotlinks for 15-June-2007: eBay, CNet, Safari for Windows, Microsoft, Sony, 1up

– eBay has been involved in a legal battle over the ‘Buy It Now’ button for six years now, and in the latest court proceedings, the judge has delayed his ruling, no doubt busy buying up on McDonalds meals toys on eBay instead.
– Andrew Lim from CNet.co.uk is a very brave soul indeed, as he recently embarked on an 8-step technology detox, going several weeks without any forms of technology. Gasp! Horror of horrors – I honestly don’t think I could survive.
– Safari for Windows may’ve only been released on Tuesday, but already Apple has released an update, including ‘correction for a command injection vulnerability, corrected with additional processing and validation of URLs that could otherwise lead to an unexpected termination of the browser;…

Today on Tech Digest: Bill Gates meets Steve Jobs, iTunes Plus controversy, Palm Foleo and more…

What happened when Bill Gates pow-wowed with Steve Jobs
iTunes Plus slated for sneaky user ID feature
Palm Foleo: a smartphone’s best friend?

Paul McCartney’s new album being sold DRM-free online… for $1.56
Video review: Panasonic Toughbook CF-19 laptop
YouTube hooks up with Apple TV
Lose weight using your iPod or PSP
Guess what smartphone Paris Hilton is holding and win a Bluetooth headset
eBay buys StumbleUpon social bookmarking site
How Ustream.tv and BlogTV will turn us all into broadcasters
Top 10 albums worth buying as iTunes Plus DRM-free downloads
LG launches Green Banana Phone in South Korea
PSP firmware update means Remote Play is GO GO GO!
Jela Skype mouse phone with LCD screen
DXG’s new seven-megapixel digital camera
New study suggests digital gadgets are going to waste
Google Gears untethers online applications
What devices can play iTunes Plus downloads?

The student common-room that’s a recycled Boeing 747 plane

Has iPhone mania gone too far? Scams and speculation rife

andy-merrett.jpgAndy Merrett writes…

I’m looking forward to the imminent release of the iPhone, even if it is taking place thousands of miles away from the UK, but it seems that every day someone has a new theory as to exactly when the iPhone will start being sold, and an utterly convincing reason for why they’re right.

The latest date is June 29th, and that’s true because a local manager in one of the AT&T mobile phone stores saw an email telling her. Apparently, they’ll all arrive in the dead of night (or maybe, mid afternoon) on June 28th, ready for packs of hungry iPhone fans (and not the occasional eBay scammer) to swoop in and sign up.

That doesn’t necessarily negate the “official letter” from AT&T telling staff that annual leave during this period would be discouraged.