Google plants early easter egg for Google Docs readers, blogger spoils the surprise


Hidden within a Google Docs document, an enterprising blogger discovered some code which forms this annoying little fellow, dubbed ‘Cliply’ by Google.

This is sounding like a horror story isn’t it, particularly when you gaze upon Cliply and realise he is the bastard child of Microsoft’s Clippy character from their Office program of yesteryear.

Early April Fool’s joke, spoiled by a blogger? More…

Sanyo's little Eneloop electric pocket heater

sanyo-eneloop-warmer.jpgAbout 20 years ago you could buy small paper packets of hazardous chemicals, which, when shaken vigorously, would start up a chemical reaction and stay hot for a few hours. Then you threw it in the bin. It was a Christmas morning novelty.

How technology has improved! Battery maker par excellence Eneloop (a part of Sanyo) has revealed its rechargeable pocket heater, a fashionable little…