European iPhone launch at risk from arrogance – but whose? Apple's or the mobile operators

We already know that the iPhone won’t be legitimately found in Europe until at least the last quarter of 2007, but recent reports suggest that we could be waiting a lot longer than that.

While it may not have been the most popular choice, we were at least hoping that Apple were close to a pan-European deal.

Off the record, though, some mobile operators are saying that they’ll never stock the iPhone, thanks to Apple being “unbelievably arrogant” and “making demands that ‘simply cannot be justified no matter how hot the product is'”.

We’re led to believe that Steve Jobs talked tough to get his way with AT&T, and that Verizon refused to bow to the pressure.

Is the same true in Europe, or is the differing nature of European operators making it harder for Apple to get its own way? Is it possible that the operators are the arrogant ones, unhappy at being asked to agree to a new business model (who wants to share revenue, eh?)

What are the options?

Microsoft's Zune not coming to UK until 2008?

That hefty piece of plastic we’ve been eyeing off for months now just keeps on blowing in the wind, as Bob Dylan would say. The US have had it since November 2006, and it’d been confirmed UK and Europe would be receiving it come Winter this year…until our good friend at Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, reportedly told a German publication it’d been pushed back until 2008.

The reason behind this horror of horrors? According to the interview Ballmer gave the German publication Wirtschafts Woche, it’s due to the fact that the Zune is still to prove itself to Microsoft as a cash-cow….