Tag: exclusivity
Tomb Raider exclusivity is bad for gamers… What can we do about it?
Gamers aren't happy this afternoon with the news that Rise of the Tomb Raider will be an exclusive to the Xbox One – and not multiplatform like the 2013 reboot. The official Tomb Raider blog has been bombarded with angry comments, complaining about the decision and accusing Crystal Dynamics of running scared of Uncharted 4, perhaps…
Apple iPhone goes Orange – the top five conspiracy theories
Apple obviously wants to end its exclusive deal with AT&Tin the US. So it is using the UK as a test bed to see how non-exclusivity deals works in mature smartphone markets.
RUMOUR: Touchscreen BlackBerry Storm to hit UK in October
Okay, we weren’t quite right. Nine days ago we promised confirmation of the touchscreen BlackBerry “today”. We’re still waiting for that official confirmation, but a few details have leaked out about the device’s UK release…