Blu-ray Disc Association makes wild claims of 2.7 million players sold, forgets 74% of figure are PS3 sales

PS3-Blu-ray-sales.jpgI do feel a bit sad for perking my ears up every time I see the words ‘Blu-ray’ and ‘HD DVD’ mentioned in the same breath. There’s nothing I love more than a good ol’ fashioned format war.

Whilst the HD DVD camp is actually fairly transparent with their sales statistics (recently claiming to have sold 750,000 players), the Blu-ray Disc Association has always been cagey, never actually releasing figures on actual players sold.

The story being bandied about the playground today is that 2.7 million Blu-ray Disc players have been sold in the US so far, but of those 2.7 million? Yep, most of them are just PS3 sales…

HD DVD owners buy more movies than Blu-ray owners, in Europe at least

hd-dvd-euro-victory.jpgAnother week, another unsubstantiated series of boasts from HD format makers.

This week it’s the turn of HD DVD to do a bit of claiming about how well its doing, with the group saying European buyers buy more discs on HD DVD format than on “other” HD formats. Apparently, owners of HD DVD players have bought an average of 3.8 movies each, compared to an abysmal 0.7 attach rate…

More dust-collectors in the form of Lost figurines

Now, I don’t need much of an excuse to show you these two figurines from the telly show Lost, do I? I’m sure no-one would object to seeing Sun and Sawyer looking decidely delectable in all their plastic loveliness. With the wind whispering through Sawyer’s hair as he gazes off out into the imaginary ocean, and Sun’s taut muscles glistening with sea-salt…oh god, I’ve fallen into a rather embarassing moment of fan-fiction. Lost fan-fiction. Lost figurine fan-fiction. I wish I could quit you, Lost…

It's not quite a green-painted toe, but these Big Lebowski Urban Achiever Action Figure sets sure are Dude-worthy

Whether you love the film or hate it, any opportunity to drink White Russians is sure to be a welcome reprieve from this ‘blistering’ summer we’re facing in London. So, if you can make your way down to ye olde London Towne on the 30th of August, you’re in for a treat worthy of the finest Dude around. Yep, the Big Lebowski Festival is coming to town!

Sadly I’m in Berlin that weekend covering all things IFA for you, so I’ll have to contend with one of these Big Lebowski Urban Achiever Action Figure Sets when they’re released come October, for $33.99. I’m sceptical about whether a pair of bowlers can be classed as action figures…