Tag: Film
Fantasy gadgets for parents: The NANC-E Nannybot
First things first – this isn’t real. It’s a clever bit of viral marketing for upcoming Pixar robot movie WALL-E. Don’t want any of you to think we’ve actually fallen for some viral marketing, that would be extremely embarrassing.

Ridley Scott disenchanted with mobile and computer technology killing cinema
Ridley Scott has spoken out against the technology which allows films to be watched on mobile devices and computer screens.
Speaking at the Venice Film Festival, he said that, while many aspects of new technology were “wonderful”, directors were “fighting technology”.
“We try to do films which are in support of cinema, in a large room with good sound and a big picture,” he said.
He wasn’t entirely clear what types of technology were killing cinema, but presumably he’s not a fan of the way films look in anything but the original format. That’s not a new problem for filmmakers.
13 tech-related product placements in The Bourne Ultimatum
Last night, whilst all the ‘slebs were walking the red carpet in Leicester Square showing off their designer frocks for the premiere of The Bourne Ultimatum, a few of us lucky Shinies got to go to an advance screening with Motorola at the BAFTA down the road. No fancy dresses for us, we all wore jeans. And boy, were we impressed, and I don’t even LIKE Matt Damon. (Said in Team America-esque voice, obviously).
One thing you’ll notice minutes into the film is the blatant product placement – director Paul Greengrass didn’t even try to hide it. Like the good little Tech Digester that I am, I sat there with a pen and paper and scrawled down every techie product placement I saw in the film, whether used by Jason Bourne himself, CIA agents, hit-men, or just billboards seen in shots. If you noticed any more I’ve missed, definitely leave your comments in the field below…
It's not quite a green-painted toe, but these Big Lebowski Urban Achiever Action Figure sets sure are Dude-worthy
Whether you love the film or hate it, any opportunity to drink White Russians is sure to be a welcome reprieve from this ‘blistering’ summer we’re facing in London. So, if you can make your way down to ye olde London Towne on the 30th of August, you’re in for a treat worthy of the finest Dude around. Yep, the Big Lebowski Festival is coming to town!
Sadly I’m in Berlin that weekend covering all things IFA for you, so I’ll have to contend with one of these Big Lebowski Urban Achiever Action Figure Sets when they’re released come October, for $33.99. I’m sceptical about whether a pair of bowlers can be classed as action figures…
Blu-ray film studios launch "Hollywood in Hi-Def" web site
High definition disc formats may not be the most exciting news around, but that’s not stopped companies who support either HD DVD or Blu-ray doing what they can to push their format as the best choice for consumers.
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, and 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment (I think it’s all about home entertainment) have backed a new web site that aims to push Blu-ray as the best choice for watching movies.
It’s called Hollywood in Hi-Def.
DVD Forum approve CSS Managed Recording specification for download DVDs
CSS Managed Recording, a technology allowing films to be downloaded from the Internet and burnt to DVD using the same content protection system as commercial DVDs, was approved by the DVD Forum yesterday. The main requirement is that different blank…
Independent film producers may start using iTunes
According to a news item at Apple Insider, iTunes may become the distribution channel of choice for independent film producers who can't get large-scale deals but want to get their work into the open….
Vodafone exclusively offer 'world first' mobile movie release: Mission Impossible 3
Vodafone have scored an exclusive for new purchasers of Nokia N93 multimedia computers. Nokia will launch the film Mission: Impossible 3 on 512MB memory cards on the same day the film is released on DVD, to be available for free…