TED Talk: Google’s self drive car project will be live in 5 years. ‘Before my son can drive!’

I'm not sure it's a great reason to completely revolutionise four-wheeled transport. But Chris Urmson, director of Google's self-drive car project, told delegates at a Ted (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference yesterday that his motivation for ensuring that the technology is standard on roads within five years is because his eldest son, who is 11,…

VLC adding Chromecast support “soon”

Excellent news for anyone wanting to play back pretty much anything on their TV: VideoLAN, also known as VLC Player, is going to be adding support for Google's Chromecast dongle in a forthcoming update. The news comes via our pals at ShinyShiny. The update was spotted in a changelog for VLC 3.0. VLC is particularly…

Google’s Project Ara is looking impressive

Check out the above video, which is Google's latest publicity for its "Project Ara". The premise behind Ara is a phone with removable components. Essentially, you can pick and mix your own components, snapping cameras, processors, screens and other components on to the core 'skeleton'. It sounds pretty space age, and this latest demo looks…