Tag: Google
“Android L” to be officially known as “Lollipop”
It seems that the next version of Android will be known as "Lollipop", at least if this massive hint by the company is anything to go by. As spotted by our pals at ShinyShiny, Google posted the above image of a birthday cake to celebrate its 16th birthday... but with the cake adorned with not…
Nokia X gets support for Google services
Nokia X, Microsoft's accidental Android off-shoot has just received another update that unexpectedly lets users access Google's Android apps. Previously, though Nokia X devices ran the Android operating system, it was an unofficial "fork" of the system - so essentially had all of its Google-ness removed, a bit like how Amazon's KindleFire runs Android Apps…
Google ‘discourages’ users of out-of-date web browsers
Are you still using IE7, Firefox 22 or even Netscape Navigator 9? Then Google has a bit of a problem with you. Google is trying to encourage users away from out-of-date browsers by intentionally serving up an old version of its search homepage to them. Many people reported recently in a Google forum they were…
Google testing Project Wing drone delivery service
Amazon is not the only company investigating the possibility of using drones to deliver goods to customers – now search giant Google is testing a drone delivery system. Google is conducting tests on Project Wing, a delivery-by-drone service, in Australia. The project is being developed by Google X, the company's Califfornia-based tech research branch which is…
Google is testing new Hangouts codenamed Ultra Violet
As Twitter and Facebook grow from strength to strength, Google is still struggling with its attempts to "do" social media. Google+ has not exactly set the world on fire, and neither has Google Hangouts - the Facebook Messenger-style chat app the company rolled out last year. Now it looks as though Google is experimenting with…
Like Google, Microsoft tips off police on child porn
Google isn’t alone in its scanning for child porn - Microsoft is also keeping its cyber-eyes peeled. The BBC reports that a tip-off from Microsoft has led to the arrest of a man in Pennsylvania who has been charged with receiving and sharing child abuse images. Microsoft informed the National Center for Missing and Exploited…
Gmail makes it easier to unsubscribe
Google has unveiled a new Gmail feature that is sure to have many marketers tearing their hair out. Gmail will now move the Unsubscribe link in certain emails to the top, beside the sender’s email address. The new feature is a real boon for those Gmail users who are are looking to reduce the number…
Is Google going to downgrade websites that don’t use encryption?
Google is looking at giving more prominent search rankings to websites that use encryption to promote better online security practices, according to reports. The Wall Street Journal says that Google is giving bonus points in its ranking algorithm to web pages that are encrypted. It says that Google hopes the move will prod developers to…
Google Gmail scan helps to catch child sex offender
It's a well known fact that if you have a Gmail account, then Google scans all of your email messages. So why would anyone be foolish enough to use a Gmail account to send images and videos that he really didn't want anyone else but the intended recipient seeing? The Guardian reports that a tip-off…
Google releases stock Android launcher to all Android handsets
If you've got a Samsung Galaxy, HTC or an LG Android phone then you're getting an Android experience, but perhaps not the exact one that Google intended. If, however, you'd like to get a taste of what Nexus users have, then now you can simply download the Google Now launcher from the Google Play Store.…