Tag: greenhouse
Harvst launches app-controlled smart greenhouses
Green-house offers telephoto lens kit for mobile phones
The cameras in our phones are often as good as a standalone these days – so perhaps offering a lens kit isn’t such a stupid idea?…
Keep your gadgety green fingers clean with the USB greenhouse
And still the crazy USB gadgets keep coming. The latest novelty from Brando is the USB Greenhouse, which lets you grow
drugs plants on your desktop without worrying about whether they’re getting enough sunlight.
Pros: Your computer keeps tabs on the growth status of your foliage, and you get free Marigold seeds with it. Cons: When future generations look back at the early 21st century, they’ll wonder why we were piddling about with USB greenhouses while the rainforests died.
Shiny Video Interview: Kat speaks to Jason Calacanis of Mahalo.com about Google, Nick Denton, Ask.com and who his next frenemy will be
Last night I had the privilege of speaking to Jason Calacanis, fresh off the plane from the US., on his first trip to the UK. Here to attend the NMK Forum (from which I’m liveblogging from as we speak), he had some exciting news to announce the next day, of which we’ve since learnt is Mahalo’s Greenhouse. Take a look at the video to hear him talk about his online ‘rivals’…
NMK 2007: Jason Calacanis' Mahalo Greenhouse will pay YOU for writing search results
Today sees a bunch of Web 2.0 luminaries converging on London for the NMK 2007 conference, debating all aspects of social media. Kat is there liveblogging it as we speak. And the big news so far has been the announcement of Malaho Greenhouse, which is offering to pay internet users to submit search results, which will be used on search engine Mahalo.com.
NMK Forum 2007 – liveblogging Jason Calacanis's announcement about Mahalo.com's Greenhouse
Today I’m liveblogging straight from the NMK Forum 2007, (New Media Knowledge), which is an annual conference dealing with social media, and the impact it has on the future.
Stay tuned throughout the day for live updates on Web 2.0 notables like Jason Calacanis (Mahalo.com), Jem Stone (BBC New Media), Tom Bureau (CNET), Jyri Engeström (Jaiku) and our very own Ashley Norris.