iPhone hack gives NES Emulator: Super Mario Bros here we come!

The latest in an increasing number of iPhone hacks is a pretty cool one: an NES Emulator.

Forget proof of concept “Hello World” applications – they’re useful but boring. This application, which works on any “Jailbreak” (hacked) iPhone, allows you to play complete NES games, including Super Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda, just a little slower than an actual NES console or a standard emulator.

Get your RAWK on with the Dreamcast guitar made over at Destructoid

Ohmygoodness, this day just gets better and better for fanboys alike. Flooky over on Destructoid has hand-crafted herself her dream guitar. A Dreamcast guitar, at that. It may only have three strings as the others broke, but you still need to give her credit where credit’s due. Now, let’s see her attempt Ferrari F355’s theme tune, then…

Wonder if some clever bod can do a mash-up of this Dreamcast guitar and the Guitar Heronoid? Go forth, modders!…