TD Tips: Winter Gadgets


Gosh, did you get snow last night? We did. A veritable blizzard of the stuff. In London, too – a “heat island”. It got me thinking – we don’t get a lot of winter gadgets. Tonnes of summer ones, tonnes of Christmas ones, but no winter gadgets.

I sent the Tech Digest team hunting far and wide for the gadgets most useful when the nights draw in, but Dan got lost in the process, and has somehow ended up in the southern hemisphere, so I’m afraid there’s no gadget from him…

Sanyo's little Eneloop electric pocket heater

sanyo-eneloop-warmer.jpgAbout 20 years ago you could buy small paper packets of hazardous chemicals, which, when shaken vigorously, would start up a chemical reaction and stay hot for a few hours. Then you threw it in the bin. It was a Christmas morning novelty.

How technology has improved! Battery maker par excellence Eneloop (a part of Sanyo) has revealed its rechargeable pocket heater, a fashionable little…