CES 2009: LG showing off prototype LG-GD910 watch-phone hybrid device


When I was a wee nipper, I used to talk into my watch and imagine that my friends could hear me. They invariably couldn’t, which is probably just as well, but perhaps someone heard me, and now they work for LG. The LG-GD910 is basically a phone that you wear on your wrist.

As you can imagine, there’s not much in the way of features – “you can wear it on your wrist” being top of the pile. Additionally, though, it’s waterproof, weighs 85 grams, and has voice calling, text to speech, and stereo Bluetooth, which officially makes it better than the iPhone, in one category at least. It’ll have three real buttons, a touchscreen, and weigh 85g. Due for release “this year”.

LG (via IntoMobile)

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All aboard Tindo, the Australian solar-powered bus!

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VentureOne three-wheeler hybrid car available in 2009

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Work those leg muscles with a bicycle/lawnmower combo

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