Find our your pirate name, and speak in pirate lingo, for International Talk Like A Pirate Day! Arr!

talk-like-a-pirate-day.jpgArr mateys! Today be Talk Like A Pirate day, a day we sea-faring folk celebrate internationally, so thar’s no real reason why you shan’t be puttin’ on your best Jack Sparrow accents for ye land-lubbin’ types. For a couple o’ cool sites t’ trawl today whilst dodgin’ your ever-present captain’s glare, why not feast your scurvy-ridden eyeballs on an English t’ Pirate translator on t’ official Talk Like A Pirate message-in-a-bottle website, or be named with ye official pirate name…

Earn money when abroad using Noodle's international calls

noodle67.jpg A phone service which not only promises to save you money, but to make you money? Bah! Sounds like something Richard Branson dreamt once, and then chuckled to himself for 37 minutes upon waking up, before going back to bed for another sleep.

Yet, that’s what Noodle are promising to do for clients, by giving you a special Noodle number when you text them before you go abroad. When there, grab yourself a cheap local SIM card, contact Noodle and let them know that SIM card’s number, make your friends call you when sunning yourself by the pool…

YouTube is in ur country, steelin' ur languages (aka, they've launched nine international sites)

youtubescreenshot6.jpg Together with Google, YouTube really are taking over the world, and just this week they’ve succeeded in Brazil, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK.

According to Chad Hurley, YouTube’s co-founder, more than half of all viewers of YouTube are outside the US, so it makes sense for each site to be translated into the country’s local language and also feature country-specific video rankings and comments, perfect for the xenophobes!…

Fujitsu show off their flexible 'Fab PC' at the Tokyo Design Premio show

Oh, to live in Japan! Those lucky Tokyo-dwelling citizens have been treated recently to the Tokyo Design Premio show, the largest international design event which celebrates Japanese lifestyles with 17 brands, 48 designers and graphic artists plus a huge display of high-end interiors.

Fujitsu were there showing off their wares and concept ideas, including the ‘Fab PC’, which is quite literally fab…