20 things to do online on Christmas Day

Should you find yourself at a loose end on Christmas Day, with nothing but a laptop and Internet connection, then here are twenty things you could do to pass the time until the Boxing Day sales start and you can go and buy yourself a new sofa. Though I think Zara might have something to say about “>not being geeky on Christmas Day

1. Find as many ways of watching the Queen’s Christmas Day speech as possible

Yes, yes, it’s on BBC1, ITV1, BBC HD, and Sky HD, but this year it will be sent out as a podcast, will be available on the BBC News web site, and will no doubt appear on YouTube at some point – probably by some geek testing out his new laptop.

2. Download the lyrics for as many Kylie Minogue songs and start singing them at 6.50pm

Yes, Kylie’s in Doctor Who, and you can ruin the whole experience by singing “I Should Be So Lucky” as the Titanic goes down.

Opinion: Vodafone gives us an early Christmas pressie and unwraps Social Networking on the move

Jon_small_new.jpgJonathan Weinberg writes… I saw a quick demonstration of this yesterday and it certainly looks like being a brilliant idea that I hope other mobile networks follow. With Internet prices dropping like stones across all the mobile firms thanks to bundled ‘unlimited’ data and use of social networking growing by the millions in the blink of an eye, it makes sense to match up the two.

Vodafone has designed a downloadable application that sits on your handset connecting you to Facebook, YouTube, MySpace and Bebo. Nothing majorly new there, because you can surf them at present and many have their own download applications too like the excellent Facebook program for Blackberrys…

T-Mobile offers 50p-per-day 'Five Day Pass' for PAYG handset customers

T-Mobile_to_left%282%29.jpgIt’s a battle of the mobile internet this Christmas, with Vodafone lowering their prices to match T-Mobiles unlimited monthly data fee, £7.50.

Biting back, T-Mobile’s just launched a five day pass for those hesitant to commit to the monthly fee for their web’n’walk plan, and have just PAYG handsets. For the five days, customers can expect to pay just 50p each day…

Opinion: Creating our own content will never replace traditional media

Jon_smal.gifJonathan Weinberg writes…

2012, the year London is set to host the Olympics and also the year Nokia reckon a quarter of all entertainment will be created and consumed within peer communities. They think that in five years time, traditional media as we know it now, will begin to die out further with personally-created content becoming the must-read and must-watch for Internet users within their friend networks and social community sites.

But I just can’t see it. There’s no doubt it’s becoming more and more popular to make your own videos and post them on the web for all to see, but 99 per cent of it is absolute tosh – like the man who can juggle dogs while standing on his head drinking a glass of water and playing the harmonica! PS: Don’t try that at home, it doesn’t exist and we don’t condone cruelty to animals, I just use it as an illustration…