Tag: knitted
Novel idea for a Facebook group: let's knit Facebook!
Facebookers tend to be a strange bunch. Knitters, well, even more strange, let’s be honest here! But when the two collide, it’s time to start looking up The Priory’s phone number in the Yellow Pages.
A group of knitters on the ‘book from the UK, US and Canada are collaborating on a big knitting project, each creating a section of a profile screen. Confused? Bewildered? You should be – each knitter will create a small part, send it off to the organiser, who will then sew all the pieces together to form a big badass Facebook blanket…
Okay, who got their mum to knit them an iPhone?
Knitted toys are the new gadgetry. No, really.
Check out this hand-knitted iPhone, which was made for one of the posters on parenting blog Daddytypes.com by his mum. Why? Because he wanted his child to have an iPhone, without letting them actually dribble on his own model.