LoJack laptop tracker service launches in Europe


If you’re the kind of person who likes to take your laptop out and about with you, whether or not you actually do work or just want a reason for sitting in Starbucks on your own, then you might be interested to hear that some software is about to hit UK shores that will track your computer should someone half-inch it while the diuretic that is caffeine works its magic on your bladder.

LoJack of Laptops embeds itself in the firmware of your machine either in the factory or at the user end and it sits so damn tight that it’ll survive reformats, OS re-installations, HDD removals, re-imaging and just about any other operation beginning with r.

Once stolen, and the service activated, your pilfered PC will do the forensic mining of key captures, registry scanning, file scanning, geolocation, and other investigative techniques to work out where it is, who’s got it and to get the authorities on their ass. How satisfying would it be to catch someone red-handed?

Naturally, LoJack don’t come cheap with a year’s subscription at £45.49 for Windows and Mac. It might be worth opting for insurance instead and buying yourself a brand new, upgraded model in the event of capture. You’d just better hope they don’t dig out your bank details.

Absolute Software

Adeona: free laptop tracking software can even take a photo of the thief


Losing your laptop to a dirty rotten thief can be a painful experience, particularly if you work for the government and half the population’s names. addresses, and vital statistics were stored unencrypted on it, but now a new piece of free software aims to help you locate your beloved portable PC.

Adeona was developed by researchers at the Universities of Washington and California. This bit of software is installed on the laptop (before it’s nicked, obviously) and then sends encrypted notes to Internet servers about the PC’s location…