YouTube is in ur country, steelin' ur languages (aka, they've launched nine international sites)

youtubescreenshot6.jpg Together with Google, YouTube really are taking over the world, and just this week they’ve succeeded in Brazil, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK.

According to Chad Hurley, YouTube’s co-founder, more than half of all viewers of YouTube are outside the US, so it makes sense for each site to be translated into the country’s local language and also feature country-specific video rankings and comments, perfect for the xenophobes!…

BlackBerry Pearl 2 to be joining size zero club?

The BlackBerry Pearl has only been available for eight months, but it sounds highly probable that we’ll be seeing a second version before the year is out. Gizmodo has reported that RIM have a second one on the cards, as the first has proven extremely popular due to the streamlined aesthetics, trackball, and MicroSD port for media playback, which previous models didn’t contain.

The new features the BlackBerry Pearl will be touting? Read on under the jump for the deets on this saliva-worthy mobile phone…