Tag: mobile game
X-Factor mobile game – now you can fail to impress Simon Cowell on the bus
Who decided this was a good idea? Mobile games are almost always awful, and so is the X-factor, so putting them together multiplies the awfulness. No, worse, it squares the awfulness. No – that doesn’t even come close. I’d say it’s the veritable factorial of awful. Or, awful! as I should probably refer to it as…
Free Paris Hilton! Or at least play her mobile game
Poor the Paris Hilton. She’s been ordered back to jail by the nasty judge who sent her there in the first place, without a thought for her
wealth health. And in prison, lest we forget, Paris won’t have access to a mobile phone, and she sure as hell won’t be sporting any diamonds. Unless she smuggled some in up her bottom, of course.
Transformers: Robots in a mobile game…
One of the hot stories in mobile games at 3GSM was the public unveiling of Transformers, the official game of the upcoming movie. If you're yet to be convinced by the joys of playing games on your phone, how about…
Mobile game of the week: Twin Kingdom Valley
Gamers of a certain age will have fond memories of the humble text adventure, albeit with the odd psychotic flashback to that time they tried to GIVE THE SWORD TO THE FROG but mistyped, and got killed by the troll…