Tag: mp3
P2P traffic trends shift – stealing films is the new stealing music
It seems we’re a bit bored of downloading music for free – movie piracy is the biggest growth sector of the steal-it-off-the-internet scene.
Increased bandwidth means we’re all hammering Bittorrent for movies instead of music. MP3 downloading is holding at a constant level…
The iPhone features you'll actually use: texting, clock…
So yes, iPhone’s got loads of great features, but will you actually use any of them?
P2P file sharing now includes voting
Thanks to MP3 Rocket, a tweaked version of the Limewire P2P piracy solution.
Version 5.0 of MP3 Rocket lets users vote on which they like the most…
The iRiver NV – a GPS-enabled TV/radio/MP3 superbox
Well this is aspirational. The iRiver NV pretty much does it all, and could replace everything you’ve ever spent too much money buying and subsequently leaving in a pub for the landlord to find and stick on Ebay.
Microsoft's Zune not coming to UK until 2008?
That hefty piece of plastic we’ve been eyeing off for months now just keeps on blowing in the wind, as Bob Dylan would say. The US have had it since November 2006, and it’d been confirmed UK and Europe would be receiving it come Winter this year…until our good friend at Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, reportedly told a German publication it’d been pushed back until 2008.
The reason behind this horror of horrors? According to the interview Ballmer gave the German publication Wirtschafts Woche, it’s due to the fact that the Zune is still to prove itself to Microsoft as a cash-cow….
Paul McCartney's new album being sold DRM-free online… for $1.56
The music industry has been waging a battle against Russian music download site AllOfMP3 in recent months, over the way the latter sells digital downloads of brand new albums for less than a couple of dollars. However, it seems the floodgates could be opening for similar sites.
Apple's new iTunes update promises 'iTunes Plus' DRM-free music
Something’s up in iTunes-land. It’s 7.55am, and I’ve just switched on my Mac. The Software Update application is asking me to download iTunes 7.2, which will allow me to “preview and purchase iTunes Plus music – new higher-quality DRM-free music downloads from participating music labels”.
Microsoft collaborates with, uh, Microsoft, to release Halo Zune MP3-player
Microsoft likes to keep things in the family (not suggesting anything there folks) hence the release of this Halo-themed Zune. The big ‘Soft actually owns Halo, and with one of the best PR firms working for them, they’ve joined two of their departments together to give us this MP3-player just in time…
Pacemaker's Pocket DJ MP3 player perfect for twatty Nathan Barley types
If ever there was a piece of technology that couldn’t be suited more aptly to Nathan Barley, it’s this – the Pacemaker Pocket DJ MP3 player. Based on the notion that simply listening to your East-London grime on any old MP3 player in its original recording is just not good enough for ‘self-facilitating media nodes’ such as Barley, the 120-GB player features DJ mixing technology internally, where you can cross-fade, add effects plus a bunch of other spiffy pieces…