Call Oliver's Army! Elvis Costello is shunning the CD and favouring the vinyl/digital download method


Cor, speaking of craggy musicians with plentiful ear hair, Elvis Costello hasn’t gone quite as far as Billy Corgan with his next musical release, but his announcement regarding Momofuku is still a lot more radical than his conforming peers’ business models.

His first album since 2004 will be released only on vinyl, ignoring the popular yet slightly defunct CD format, and will contain a code which’ll allow for a digital download of the album…

Gnarls Barkley and the Raconteurs have an 'original idea' and release their new albums online


Right, this is it. As of this article, I am officially bored of all these shitty little bands releasing their music online, either in the stylee of Radiohead, Trent Reznor, or the Charlatans.

Gnarls Barkley and the Raconteurs are the latest bands to start milking the digital music cash cow for its sweet sweet milk, never mind that the internet’s users are bored already and have gone back to using BitTorrent.

Let’s blame Warner Music – both bands are signed to the label, who’ve just announced plans to release their new albums on iTunes several weeks before the CD pressing. At least the Raconteurs are also giving the music industry a second two finger salute, by disregarding the usual freeloading music press laws, and not issuing review copies either….

Apple won't allow music apps to interfere with iTunes on the iPhone


The new iPhone SDK is getting quite a bashing from developers who say that it doesn’t go far enough. For a start, it doesn’t allow applications to run in the background, and the licence agreement also seems to prohibit developers from installing software that changes low-level things like file structures and the original applications.

That’s led to concern that Apple has effectively banned any alternative music applications from running on the iPhone — at least, any that want to run on a par with iTunes…

Internet radio upgraded in PSP's latest firmware update


Are you one of those odd people who thinks Japanese pop music is a cool thing to listen to? Or perhaps you’re more of a 80s man, seeing as it is a bit hard keeping up with all the cool new bands nowadays and you can never really go wrong with Duran Duran’s Greatest hits?

Or, and this really is s long shot, perhaps you’re developing a love of classical music thank to Halo’s use of choirs and instruments made out of wood? Whatever your ear poison, chances are PSP’s latest 3.93 firmware…