Opinion: Please, please me and put The Beatles on iTunes!


Jonathan Weinberg writes… Help, I need somebody, help, not just anybody, help, you know I need someone… who can blooming well tell me if we are ever going to be able to buy Beatles songs on the interweb.

I’m not one of those nuts who says they’re the greatest band in the world, but I can understand why it’s so important to have their tunes in digital form. After all, there’s millions of people out there who’d listen to the Liverpool Fab Four eight days a week if they could…

Chris Rea thinks you're on the Road To Hell if you download music online


Trent Reznor may be loving the shit out of digital downloads, but Chris Rea? Why, the brunette-Ian-McKellen-with-bum-fluff-lookalike crooner-pony can’t stand the thought of them! He thinks if you partake in it, you’re on the Road To Hell.

Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

I received a press release this morning, claiming Rea has decided to boycott them, and indeed, ‘won’t be succumbing to the culture of musical downloads’, as if it’s several degrees lower on the bad-list than hallucinatory drugs. It’s not just downloading he’s not supporting, he’s not even in favour of CDs or cassettes, choosing to release the forthcoming…

Nine Inch Nails angry-man Trent Reznor releases album online, with optional pricing


He’s been threatening it for a while, but finally Trent Reznor has put his money where his mouth is, and is ‘doing a Radiohead’ (late-2007’s most popular phrase), by releasing 36 instrumental tracks purely on the internet, with optional price sets.

Most of the casual Nine Inch Nails fans will no doubt go for the freebie option, ‘Ghosts I’, which is the first nine tracks from his Ghosts I-IV collection. They’re available as DRM-free MP3s along with a 40-page PDF. Going up the pricing ladder, for $5 you can buy Ghosts I-IV, which is all 36 tracks, then for a tenner you’ll get a double-disc set with a 16-page booklet, plus a download of the album for lazies who can’t be bothered to rip the CDs. This option won’t be available until April 8th, however.

Now, here’s where the hardcore NiN followers prick up their ears: $75 will secure you the ‘deluxe’ edition of Ghosts I-IV which will…

Finally, The Charlatans' free album is available for download from Xfm. Err, who are they again?


We’ve been banging on so much about The Charlatans’ new album being a free digital download, any regular reader would think we actually like this band! We’ve also written about Cliff Richard too, if that changes your mind.

Yesterday the album You Cross My Path was made available on the Xfm website, where you can download it in 256kbps quality, ahead of the…