Tag: nec
NEC's Mac-alike LaVie laptop
NEC has launched the LaVie laptop in white, offering the looks of a MacBook in a PC…
At 0.7-inches, the bezel on NEC's MultiSync LCD5220 TV is thinner than Toshiba's
For those who judge the quality of their consumer electronics by how expensive they are, this NEC MultiSync LCD5220 TV costs a cool $8,150. UK pricing hasn’t been mentioned as yet, but you can bet your bottom dollar (and you’ll have to, if you want one) the exchange rate will make it even pricier for us.
It’s a 52-incher, and is supposedly the market’s first professional-grade panel display. It’d have to be, at that price. Thankfully it supports…
NEC intros new 30-inch MultiSync LCD3090 monitor
NEC has announced its new 30-inch MultiSync LCD3090 monitor, designed with graphic designers, photographers, and CAD/CAM users in mind.
The widescreen monitor features a four megapixel (2,560 x 1,600) wide gamut LCD, and offers premium colour performance (which has been a problem on LCD monitors in the past, and is why many designers have stuck with traditional CRT monitors).
Now NEC is launching a curvy gaming monitor
One of the hits of CES was Alienware’s curvy 2880×900-resolution gaming monitor, which promised to provide FPS-heads with even better peripheral vision. The technology behind it was provided by Ostendo Technologies. However, it’s emerged the company is providing the same tech to other monitor-makers.
Perfect Halloween PC, the Swarovski encrusted Hello Kitty NEC
Oh dear god, noooo! This NEC laptop coated in Swarovski crystals and Hello Kitty-fied obviously hit the internet on the right day, it’s frightfully scary. Honestly, who would buy this monstrosity?
Well, someone who likes nice specs in their laptops, admittedly. Under all that bling, the LaVie G laptop is sporting…
Your own personal, portable DNA laboratory in a suitcase
The new NEC/Aida Engineering portable DNA tester can perform full DNA analysis in as little as 25 minutes, should you fancy staging Jeremy Kyle-style DNA paternity tests at your next office party. Here’s a smashing photograph NEC sent out to illustrate the device. It features a lady actively testing some DNA:

Fax machines aren't dead: they're just emailing your mobile phone
What are fax machines, anyway? I’m sure I saw one once, rusting in a corner at the last office I worked in. I think its main purpose was as a shagtable for illicit office-party couplings. Something like that, anyway.
Tech Hotlinks for 29-May-07: Zune, BBC Panorama, MS Office, NEC…
– Microsoft’s Zune MP3-player has already met sales targets ahead of its late-June hopes of one million units sold. Paltry, in comparison to Apple’s 100 million-plus iPods sold. 🙁
– A British science teacher has reported they kicked-out BBC’s Panorama team from the school for practising ‘bad science’. So, a bunch of kids can detect nonsense scaremongering, but the general public…
NEC launch high-end PlasmaSync monitor range for home cinema enthusiasts
NEC have announced that it is targeting its latest range of large plasma displays at the home theatre enthusiast who is 'looking for the best in contrast, brightness, clarity, and performance'. The new XR range of PlasmaSync screens come…